Thursday, October 18, 2012


Do you ever look at nature? Do you look at all the things that have taken place since creation?
There are so many wondrous things in the outdoors to behold. While walking today, I noticed a leaf had fallen into some cement and created a mold. It left a mold of every line and every curve the leaf had. You could tell everything about the leaf except for the color of it.
As I continued to walk, my mind kept thinking back on how awesome it is when people leave the handprint of a small child in the sidewalk. As the child grows into adulthood, he can go back and see that print had been molded a century ago.
As my mind seems to go in a hundred different directions with thoughts, I began to wonder what my life would be if time stopped today and I was placed into a mold. When people walked by in twenty five years what would be the one picture they would be able to gather from that imprint.
Would it be one of shame? Would it be one that exemplified dissatisfaction or greed or would it be one we could proudly say, "I'm sure glad that is the day my mold was set?"
I have periods of time in my life that I would never want my mold to be made from. This gives me reason to press forward toward setting a better mold each day of my life. There will be things I can't achieve at this point in my life, but one day I will be able to achieve each goal I set.
As we walk each day, let us do our best to leave a wonderful impression, for others to view as they pass by.
Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24

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