Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Two great storms have pounded our country over the last several decades. In 1929 on October 29th the stock market crashed sending millions into panic.  On the same day this year hurricane Sandy hit the United States with great force. Both of these events leaves lasting effects in the lives of Americans for many year.

These storms can cause us to lose focus, to send us into panic or depression if we are the ones involved in the heart of these events. There are many people when storms in their lives hit, they don't know where to turn.

Storms can make us react in ways that even we ourselves are not prepared for. Hurricane Sandy has created extreme havoc in peoples' lives.  People are hurting; houses and businesses flooded and eight million people are without electricity.

How do we prepare for these types storms? God is the one that wrote history. Since he is the author of the book, he is the one that chooses what will happen. History is His-Story. We need to put our full trust in the Lord and know that whatever happens, he is still in control.

At 2:00 a.m. our family also experienced a huge storm. Steve's brother, Lynn Long who was a pastor in Tahoka, Texas passed away. He has battled cancer for 10 years. He is no longer suffering. He is now in the presence of the Almighty God, his Maker.  He was loved dearly by his wife, children, brothers and sisters. 

Will this storm affect our lives and the lives of his wife and children? Yes, but each of us knows that the Lord wrote the book of Lynn's life and nothing took the Lord by surprise. We must look to Jesus during the next few days, weeks and months and know that the Lord was the author and finisher of his faith. The Lord loves Lynn more than any of us could ever love him.

In Psalm forty-six it says, "Be still," and "know that I am God." This verse gives us two things to do. First of all we need to be still; many times during a storm, the hardest thing to do is to be still. Don't be causing higher waves by your instability. It's when we get still that we are more able to do the second part; know that I am God. He is God, and even if you feel he's not in control, he is. The thing we need to do is get our eyes fixed on him.

Jesus Christ will give you peace in the midst of your storm, if you but look to him, the author and finisher of your faith.

HEBREWS 12:2-3
Looking unto Jesus the author
and finisher of our faith;
who for the joy that was set
before him endured the cross,
despising the shame,
and is set down at the right hand
of the throne of God.
For consider him that endured
such contradiction of
sinners against himself,
lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.

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