Saturday, October 20, 2012


One of the first ladies tea's that I spoke at was held at Calvary Baptist Church in Andrews, Texas.  I was living in Burkburnett Texas at the time.  Ladies ministry was the farest thing from my mind. 

My baby sister, Kay Rowe lived in Andrews and attended Calvary Baptist Church.  She was to organize a ladies tea that would be held at her church.  The Lord had been dealing with my heart for months about the twenty-seventh Psalm.  Verse four of this chapter had been my life verse, but the Lord was showing me how that the whole twenty-seventh Psalm would be my life chapter. 

Kay called me one evening and asked if I would be the host speaker at the ladies tea.  My response, was a quick, "no!"  I had never spoken in front of people and I was not planning on starting to do so.  Fear beyond anything you can imagine crept through my body, at the very thought.

Kay sit quietly for a moment, then she asked, "If God wanted you to speak to the ladies, what would you speak on?"  She set me up and I had no idea until later.  I took a deep breath and said, "If, I was to speak, it would be on the twenty-seventh Psalm."  Knowing all the time, the Lord would never ask me to do such a thing. 

Kay told me the date she had the ladies meeting scheduled for and ask me to pray about it.  I could see that it was easy to get out of this event, as at the very time, I was to be helping the Baptist Student Minister in Wichita Falls with an event. 

Do you think that stopped my sister?  No, because she had prayed with a group of ladies and they felt I was the one that should come.  She gently said, "Why don't you ask your director if there is any way you can be excused."  I knew I couldn't be excused, so it was no sweat off my back.

The next day, I entered into my bosses office and asked him the big question.  I had promised my sister, the night before, that if my director allowed me to be out of town and help with his event, that I would know it was of the Lord and would definitely speak.  After popping the question and feeling confident of what his response would be, my boss informed me that the event had been called off due to unforeseen issues.  "No! this could not be happening."

This really disturbed me, but I called Kay and let her know I would surely be there and be her guest speaker. Little did I know that the Lord was wrapping his arms around that whole event and was going to do a great thing through it. 

While speaking on Psalm twenty-seven, a lady that was attending began to cry.  The more I spoke the harder she wept.  As soon as the meeting dismissed this lady searched me out.  She had a bracelet in her hand.  As she placed it into my hands, she shared her prayer. 

She had prayed for many years for a young lady that was at her house working on the day this little girls mother shot herself.  She had kept track of this young lady for many years, without this child knowing.  She had prayed for her often that she would grow to be a Godly woman.  After years pasted, the girl married, moved to Houston and she had lost track of her.  The lady standing beside me had continued to pray for her.  She had began to ask the Lord to open the door where she could once again find this girl and see if God had answered her prayers for the young lady 

As I was speaking, she realized that her secret sister, Kay Rowe was the very lady she had been praying to find.  She put my testimony together and knowing that Kay was my sister, she realized why the Lord had put on their hearts to have me come speak.  Her prayers for the child had been answered. 

This was the beginning of seeing how that God could use my obedience to him to help others.  My topic wasn't one that would blow anyone away.  It was not one full of laughter.  The words I spoke that day were from my heart and the Lord used them in a mighty way, not only in this ladies life, but also in my life.  He showed me that day the power of obedience.

As I write this article, I have the bracelet laying beside me.  O! I marvel at the wonder of my God!

Ask, and it shall be given you;
seek, and ye shall find; knock,
and it shall be opened unto you:

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