Friday, October 26, 2012


Yesterday I was outside sweeping the sidewalk.  We have several oak trees in our yard.  As I was sweeping I was astonished at how many acorns there were.  They had fallen into our yard, driveway and even over into our neighbors driveway. 

These acorns falling have produced about a hundred little oak trees sprouting up in our yard.  There are so many sprouts that the grass has decided not to grow in that spot any longer. 

As I continued to sweep I realized that there weren't hundreds of acorns that fell to the ground and produced hundreds of oak tree sprouts.  There were thousands of acorns that fell from the tree that produced a hundred oak tree sprouts. 

Jesus tells us, "we are to bring forth much fruit."  You might be like me and ask, "How can this be done when I live in such a rural area?" Another question you may ask is, "How can you use me with my talents and abilities being so limited?"

First we need to know what the seed is and if it's able to produce fruit.  In Luke 8:11 the scripture says, "The seed is the Word of God."  I don't know about your bible but mine is full of scripture or should I say, "seed." So our next question is, "Why are you not scattering the seed?"

You may find yourself in the same spot as I did four years ago.  When we moved to this town, I told the Lord he has brought me 20 miles the other side of the earth to a place that seemed impossible for me to carry out his calling on my life.  I remember one day praying and telling the Lord that I was tired of living in small places and producing small fruit.  I specifically said out loud to my Father,  "It's about time you produce much fruit in and through me and I don't see how you are going to do it in Kermit, Texas."

What a statement.  The scripture says in Matthew 13; That the mustard seed is the least: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.  The Lord can use little old me, in little old Kermit to spread his seed, if I but pick the seed up and start sharing it. 

The ministry where we live now has been the greatest ministry we have had in the 32 years we have served.  We have given out more bibles, used the blog as a way to minister, and seen more people saved in Kermit than anywhere else.  Why have we seen this take place?  Was it because I became frustrated?  No, the only reason we have seen fruit in this ministry is there has been many seeds planted.

As with the acorns in my front yard, there were thousands that fell, but only a hundred reached fertile soil?  This is a perfect example that we need to be about our fathers business of scatting the seed, his word, to the lost world.

Pray and ask the Lord how that he can use you. He has used me in ways that I never expected since I shared my heart with him. What is he waiting to do in your life, if you but trust him?   He only ask you to scatter the seed; let him do the rest.

Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is quick, and powerful,
and sharper than any twoedged sword,
piercing even to the dividing
asunder of soul and spirit,
and of the joints and marrow,
and is a discerner of the thoughts
and intents of the heart.

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