Thursday, October 25, 2012


This last week we had a group of boys that have had a difficult time getting along with each other at school and at church.  Needing some good games to help them learn to get along with each other,  I began to search the Internet. 

Before leaving the house I organized all the items needed to play the games I had studied out on my computer.  Walking into my garage, before entering my vehicle my eye caught the box of K'NEX that sat on a shelf. These K'NEX used to belong to my boys during their younger years.  I'm not sure what possessed me to pick the box up but I quickly tossed it into the back seat.

Upon beginning the class it didn't take long to realize that the wonderful games I had pulled off the Internet was not going to be the key I was looking for.  These boys needed something different..  I love it when the Lord does this.  I plan a lesson out and he shows up and takes over. 

Instead of following through with my plans I had to trust the Lord that he knew best.  I placed the boys about two feet apart.  Boy #1 received all wheels.  Boy #2 received all five inch sticks, Boy #3 received all clips.  Boy #4 received all one inch sticks. 

Each boy was asked to take his own items and build something.  As you can see, this was impossible.  They soon became frustrated and this was my golden opportunity.  Suddenly they realized that by themselves they were nothing. 

The main rule of the game was to communicate with the other boys.  They had to say the boys name and then ask for a piece of equipment that was in their possession.  They were not allowed to receive the object unless they specifically said the boys name and the other boy gave them permission. 

Before leaving the church last night these four boys had constructed a car.  They were laughing and enjoying each other instead of being verbally and physically attacking one another.

Is this what our Father wants us to learn to do as fellow Christians?  We are able to accomplish so much more when we work together.  When we treat others with kindness the Psalmist said it is like precious ointment upon the head. 

There are times we don't even know why we are not getting along.  We just get in the habit and are not willing to take the time to say the person's name and communicate with them. 

Go ahead and try pouring some of the precious ointment on those that seem to be your enemy.  You never know what the Lord will do when you start working together.  It is through us working together that we are able to reach more for Christ. 

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
for brethren to dwell together in unity!
It is like the precious ointment upon the head,
that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard:
that went down to the skirts of his garments;
As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that
 descended upon the mountains of Zion:
for there the LORD commanded the blessing,
even life for evermore.

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