Monday, October 15, 2012


Have you ever noticed how Satan loves to spin a web around your life?  Have you ever found yourself inside of one of those webs? 

There was an event in my life that I felt a web had been spun around me and that at any moment I would be eaten alive.  Little did I know, but the web became my cocoon.

This was a period of time that I felt Satan was out to destroy me.  I truly believed that my life as it had been was over, finished.  I found out later that I was correct.  It was never to be the same.  What I didn't realize is that it was going to be better than before.  As the web had been tightly woven around me, to destroy me, the Lord used it as a time of metamorphosis.

This cocoon was a time of resting and renewal.  It was a time of great thinking and planning.  A time of study and meditating.  The Lord had chosen that time of my life to turn me into something more wonderful than just a worm.  He was going to give me wings to fly higher than ever before.

Have you had times in your life like that?  Satan desires more than anything to destroy you.  Will you allow the web to be the death of you or will it be your meeamorphosis, a time of change?  Will you allow the Lord to hold you close and trim away all the things he wants, out of your life, during this cocoon stage. 

When Jesus Christ died on the cross Satan was sure that he had defeated him.  He thought he would soon rule in power over all.  Satan had used mankind to spin a web around Jesus Christ.  Satan thought he was victoruious, 

He soon found out that Jesus Christ had gone through metamorphosis., and things were going to change, that change would be eternal.  When Christ came forth from the grave, not only was Satan defeated, but Jesus Christ had a new body.  This body was spiritual and nothing would be able to stop him or hold him back.

What do you allow to happen when you go through great defeat?  Do you allow Satan to come and suck the life out of you or do you allow Jesus Christ to work in and through you, thus bringing you forth as a new creature?  Forever changed into a beautiful creation.  One able to sour above all those little trials that hold us down. 

And be not conformed to this world:
but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable,
and perfect, will of God.


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