Wednesday, October 31, 2012


There have been people that have tried to prove there was no God. They will argue that we can't prove that he does exist, therefore it proves that he doesn't exist. One guy even said we can imagine anything in our minds and nobody can disprove it, such as believing in leprechauns.

Why is he trying so hard to disprove the existence of God anyway? What would cause him to be so bitter and angry at God that he doesn't even want to admit in his mind the Creator's very existence? You might say, "How do you know he is bitter and angry." As I read his writings I could almost feel the anger.

Has this person tried to prove that leprechauns do not exist? The answer is, no. He states very plainly that leprechauns are in fairy tales. He knows they do not exist so he doesn't have to try to prove it. He says that God is imaginary and doesn't exist. If he believes God is imaginary, leprechauns are imaginary and Cinderella turning into a pumpkin is imaginary, why did he choose God out of all of these so called imaginary characters to seek to disprove?

If they all are imaginary then leave them in the fairy tales and don't try to disprove them. The only reason he would try to prove God doesn't exist is there must be a twinge of something planted deep within his heart that says, "There is a God." Therefore he has to do everything within his power to disprove him.

This guy uses science to prove there is no God. How many people truly believe everything that science teaches? I must say we all know that science has it's fallacies, yet we are using that one thing to prove there is no God. How many science books over the centuries have become obsolete because they found out that the information inside of them was incorrect? The word "science" itself means "knowledge." If there is knowledge, there has to be a place that knowledge comes from.

There is no way that scientists can prove who holds gravity in place. If our earth were very much closer to the sun, we would burn up. If the earth were very much further from the sun, we would freeze to death. God knows exactly how to hold the earth into place. He created it and knows the most intricate details about it.

JOB 26:7
He stretcheth out the north over the empty place,
and hangeth the earth upon nothing.
In history, the books passed down from ages talk about the existence of deity. Every culture of the earth has stories of a higher power or powers. Many cultures have different stories about both the creation and the flood but the truth still remains; even though they spoke in different languages, the story was passed down.

One idea that men have perpetrated to prove God does not exist is the concept of a missing link. This is the idea that mankind evolved from apes. Yet, scientists know this doesn't all connect. That is why they call it the missing link.

May I ask you; when are we going to find this "missing link?" We constantly hear about this in science books but nobody can find it. They all want to prove there is no God, so they created a theory of evolution. May I submit to you what the missing link is that they do not understand?

The problem with modern men is they are looking for a missing link from ape to man when in reality, the link they are missing is man to God. But God has given us the knowledge to understand what that missing link is:

I Timothy 2:5-6
For there is one God,
and one mediator between God and men,
the man Christ Jesus;
Who gave himself a ransom for all,
to be testified in due time.

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