Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Have you ever put your trust in someone that broke it?  It's not an easy thing to build trust back but it is possible. 

What if someone has broken your trust repeatedly?  This becomes even harder.  Each time the person breaks your trust a wall immediately goes up. 

Broken trust can be like a wound on your body.  Each time you allow the person to come back and they are not trustworthy, it opens the wound deeper.  The wound may have time to scab over and start to heal but when they hurt you once again, it breaks open and bleeds.  Each time, if the wound hasn't had enough time to heal, the wound gets deeper and deeper. 

If you allow a wound on your body to become festered and out of control it can eventually lead to cancer.  The same thing is true with a relationship that has been broken.  There may be a period of time that you must walk away from that person or the relationship in order to keep the wound from getting out of control. 

Have you ever been in a relationship like this?  If so, you know how deep the pain of broken trust can be.  You know that if you keep allowing it to be picked at and bleed that eventually it will become a cancer.  It will get to the point that there is nothing that can heal it, except for the Lord

We don't need to put our trust in mankind.  People will always let us down.  In Romans it says, "There is none good, no not one."  When we put all our trust into one person we are looking for failure. 

We would never want to shut ourselves completely off from everyone.  We need to live our lives to it's fullest.  We need to pack a tote and have it available for when people break our trust.  We need to be sure to have plenty of forgiveness packed in that tote bag.  Bring along mercy, kindness and hope.  We may need to pack some grace and prayer, for when this person breaks our trust.  We need to reach into our bag and pull out whichever one of these things that will help you through this hard time.

There have been many times that I have had to pull hope out of my tote bag, when I felt forgiveness had been used up.  Other times I may have to pull out some grace, prayer or peace from the bag in order not to destroy the other person, or myself.

Jesus Christ is the only one that we should put our trust in.  He is the only one that is perfect and the only one that will not let us. down. 

MICAH 7:5-7
Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide:
keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom.
For the son dishonoureth the father,
the daughter riseth up against her mother,
the daughter in law against her mother in law;
a man’s enemies are the men of his own house.
Therefore I will look unto the LORD;
I will wait for the God of my salvation:
my God will hear me.

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