Tuesday, October 23, 2012


My aunt and uncle from Alabama spent a week in good old West Texas with us a few weeks back.  They live where the hills are numerous and the trees engulf the roadways.  Just the memory of my family back home brings a sweet aroma to my spirit. 

A short trip to the Guadalupe mountains after touring the Carlsbad caverns is always good for the soul.  I find new truths about God's glorious creation with every visit.  Without exception, this is where my heart longs to stay, in the mountains. 

We had spent the whole day looking at stalactites and stalagmites, the mountain, trees and cactus'.  The sun began to set and time stopped for a moment.  Questions began to run through my mind.  How does the sun remember to shine each night?  How does gravity hold it into place?  What makes it so magnificent.

Have you read how scientist say the sun was formed?  If you believe in fairly tales, than I can understand why you would believe their statement.  This was not by chance that our universe spun into perfect order. 

As my uncle Glenn bowed his head and prayed at the dinner table on afternoon, I was reminded of a simple truth about our creator. Three words into his prayer and he said it all.  As he bowed his head in prayer, he prayed to our Eternal Father.  This means he prayed to someone who was, and is, and is to come.  He prayed to someone greater than the sun, moon and stars.  Greater than anything we viewed in Carlsbad or in the mountains.  He prayed to the very one that created all of those marvelous things we drove to see.  He prayed to the one that created us and put breath into our very being. 

The glory of our God is beyond any West Texas sunset we could ever see. His power is more than our infinite minds can fathom. He is mighty enough to hold the whole universe in his hand. He is the one that provided his son to be the Living Water for our souls.

Our Eternal Father was here before the world was formed.  Have you heard the term, "Name it and Claim it?'  Well my friend, he named it and claimed it.  There was no one else around to claim it.  It was him and him alone.  This universe belongs to him and he holds the copyright. There will be those that come along and try to disprove his handiwork.  There will be those that claim the copyright belongs to someone else.  It was recorded in the bible so that everyone could see that he holds the copyright on this universe and we rest on his everlasing arms. 

Dueteronomy 33:26-27
There is none like unto the God of Jeshurun,
who rideth upon the heaven in thy help,
and in his excellency on the sky.
The eternal God is thy refuge,
and underneath are the everlasting arms........

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