Friday, October 26, 2012


Writing on my blog has become my passion.  It has become such a part of me that I am now dreaming about writing.  I tried one day not to write at all, just take a day off.  It just didn't happen.  I had gone four hours into the day and a topic was on my mind to the point it was going to drive me crazy if I didn't stop and put it onto paper. 

I dreamed last night that I was a pencil.  Seriously, it is quite funny.  I dreamed that it was time to write and there was no lead inside of me.  This was very frustrating to me that I was uable to write what I was wanting to.  I was unable to accomplish my task due to my neglect to refill the pencil.

Have you ever picked up a pencil and started to write only to find out that there was no lead inside. Someone had failed to refill the compartment, leaving you with nothing to write with. It is impossible to complete your project until you get up, search the drawers, find the lead and place it into the cylinder of the pencil. Once the cylinder holds the lead, you will be able to start writing.

Our lives are much like this lead pencil. If we decide to be used of God and we haven't been filled with him, nothing will come out.  You may become frustrated, but the truth is, you never search for nor opened the cylinder, your life, and allowed your Father to fill it.

Until you realize that your life is empty, you probably will not realize the need to be filled.  Don't wait until it's time to be used to find out that you haven't let the Father fill you with the Holy Spirit. 

You may be like the pencil and you have given yourself to the Lord.  You can truly be saved but not filled with the Holy Spirit.  Have you allowed your vessel to sit there and not be filled? 

How many times do we do this very thing?  The Lord is waiting to fill your vessel.  He may be waiting for you to get up, look for his indwelling, and ask him to place his word into your life so that you can be filled.  In doing so, you will be able to be used of him.

Whatever I allow my pencil to be filled with is what will come out when I begin to write.  Therefore, if I don't want a mess and I want my words to be precise and able to be read by others, it is vital that I feel that pencil with lead.

"Filled," means to put an item into the vessel to the point it is fixing to run over if you put more.  As we see in the verse below there needs to be nothing else in the vessel, only him. 

And be not drunk with wine,
wherein is excess;
but be filled with the Spirit;
Speaking to yourselves in psalms
and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
Giving thanks always for all things unto God
and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.

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