Saturday, October 20, 2012


There is much study being done on the Moringa Oliefera tree.  This tree has been growing in Afrcia and some other regions of the world for centuries.  To the people in some area's it was just a tree.  In other area's this tree is known to be special for some reason but the people of the area have no idea why.  In a small village near Kenya, the tree stands with a plaque on it, but no one in the area knows the reason why. 

I was doing a study of Moses months ago and happened upon this tree in my research about the time our son was to travel to Kenya, with World Vision.  Since that time I have been curious as to why it's not being used.  Last week I found out that the Discovery Channel is beginning to put out videos on the Moringa Oliefera tree.  An individual in Kenya where our son traveled, is now looking for the tree and information on it.  

The Lord has shown me recently that it is He, who opens the door to our knowledge.  He says in Matthew 7:7

Ask, and it shall be given you;
seek, and ye shall find; knock,
and it shall be opened unto you:
It isn't surprising to me that the Lord has used Church World Services in this study to help the African people with their great health needs.  This tree has helped children with malnutrition, and numerous other deficiencies.  This tree purifies water.  It is full of vitamins and is very nutritious.  All this time, diseases have ran rapid in these area due to the polluted water, when all along there was a tree right there that could purify it. 

Is not all mankind the same?  We don't understand why they didn't discover this tree sooner, when in fact there are as many truths right under our feet, that we walk by everyday and never see. 

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