Tuesday, October 30, 2012


The impact on the lives you touch is probably beyond anything you can imagine.  There are many of our loved ones that have slipped from our hands into eternity.  I can't tell you how many times that years later I continue to hear their voices. 

Am I saying that I believe in ghost and I am actually hearing them speak?  No, what I am saying is, when I get ready to do a project or when family members get together the things those people said during their time on the earth come back into my memory.

My brother in law passed away last night and he will be missed so very deeply. He has left so many messages that will be stamped onto our hearts. His love for his family and Christ was never mistaken. He let everyone know how much he loved both of them.  He told his doctor one day when we were there, "You haven't attended my church and heard me preach yet."  His doctor replied, "Lynn I don't need to attend your church to hear you preach, your life has preached volumes to me."

The voice of my Grannie Creekmore is a deep love and affection for the Lord Jesus Christ. "Don't wait until it's too late to trust him or to serve him with your whole heart."  "It's only a heartbeat away."  These are the words she pressed upon our lives.

The voice of my MawMaw Poss is one of laughter.  She loved her children and grandchildren so dearly and loved nothing more than to laugh and enjoy them to the fullest extent.  Each time I think of her I can hear her laughter in my memories.  She taught me to laugh with my children, dance with my children, and to love my children to the utmost.

It seemed that after Steve's father passed away you could still hear his whistle and his yodel.  He had so many funny quotes and poems he used.  Many times when people are telling a story, those quotes or poems come back to my memory.

My mothers' greatest desire was that her children serve the Lord.  She pressed on her childrens' lives the need to tithe.  She also set a pattern in our lives of cleanliness and being the type of Godly person that others would desire to be around.

We have been left with a message from each persons' lives that has gone before us.  As Steve Green said in his song, "Find us Faithful,"  "and may the footprints that we leave lead us to believe."   It is important that we run this race for others not for ourselves. 

Let's leave a message for future generations; a legacy of love and footprints that lead others to the Lord Jesus Christ, is the best thing we can leave behind for future generations.

Hebrews 12:1
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about
with so great a cloud of witnesses,
let us lay aside every weight,
and the sin which doth so easily beset us,
and let us run with patience
the race that is set before us,

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