Saturday, October 13, 2012


As I read back over the blogs that I have written, I realize more and more that I am not qualified.  This can be overwhelming to me at times.  There have been many times that I felt I should throw in the towel and quit, due to my inability.

I am reminded of David and other men in the scripture that God called but they didn't have what it took to do the job.  What if they had quit?

He called David to be king.  He didn't call him to be the king because of his greatness.  He called him to be king because of his heart.

The people, who are qualified, may try to tell God how it needs to be done. It's hard for them to listen to his voice and let the Lord guide them.

The Lord didn't call Moses to lead the people of Israel into a large boat and cross the Red Sea.  He asked Moses to walk them through the waters.  If God called another person to do the job, they may have spent most of their time arguing with the Lord. 

The Lord knows our heart and knows who is willing to do what he says, no matter what.  The Lord wants us to pick up the pencil and let him fill in the blanks. 

There may be people that the Lord is wanting you to walk through the waters.  They may be surrounded by things that are going to destroy them.  By you simply picking up the pencil or whatever object the Lord ask you to pick up, you may lead them through the turbulent waters.

If one life is changed due to me listening to the voice of the Lord, me picking up my pencil and writing what is on my heart, then the Lord has accomplished a mighty thing. 

What is the Lord asking you to pick up?  Are you going to make excuses or are you going to allow him to use you as an instrument for his glory?

Judges 6:14-17 shows the Lord called Gideon to lead an army.  The Lord assured Gideon that he would be with him.  Half the army left but the Lord didn't.  That battle belonged to the Lord and he showed Gideon his great power when the enemy fled.

And the LORD looked upon him, and said,
Go in this thy might, and thou shalt save
 Israel from the hand of the Midianites:
have not I sent thee?
And he said unto him, Oh my Lord,
wherewith shall I save Israel? behold,
my family is poor in Manasseh,
and I am the least in my father’s house.
And the LORD said unto him,
Surely I will be with thee,


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