Saturday, November 24, 2012


Have you ever seen a team that walked off the field at half time and refused to return for the second half? This would be bizarre. Even a team that is loosing forty-nine to seven will keep playing until the last seconds run off the clock.

How much more exciting is the game when the losing team comes back after half time and start scoring touchdown after touchdown until finally winning the game, shocking the fans from both teams?

Have you ever met a person that tries to call the game in their life before the game is over? They are only a quarter's way through life and have already given up. These people seriously need to see life for what it really is. The games not over until the Lord calls it.

When we start out on the journey of life we are expecting everything to go smooth. No bumps and no bruises. I'm here to tell you, it will not stay that way. If you plan for bumps and bruises you will not be disappointed because they come with the journey. As we journey through this life we must learn how to handle the bad things that come our way, instead of quitting.

You can take the time to think about the bad things but if you sit dwelling on it too long then you will get run over. Life goes on even if you chose not to, other people keep moving, changing, growing and succeeding and the only way for you to do the same is to get into the game.

There are by far, too many players that are still in the locker room sitting on the bench dwelling on the things that went wrong in their childhood. Unable to move forward because they are locked into the past. They are blaming parents, brothers, sisters, cousins and teachers for things that happened that caused them pain.

The game is not over and the whistle has been blown to play ball. It's time to get off the bench and walk back onto the field. Get your eyes on the clock that is running instead of the time in the first half of your life.

Don't call the plays in your life until the game is over. Let the Lord be the one to call the final play. Keep your eyes on him. It's the only way to complete the game of life.

ISAIAH 40:28-31

Hast thou not known?
hast thou not heard,
that the everlasting God,
the LORD,
the Creator of the ends
of the earth, fainteth not,
neither is weary?
there is no searching
of his understanding.
He giveth power to the faint;
and to them that have no
might he increaseth strength.
Even the youths shall faint
and be weary,
and the young men
shall utterly fall:
But they that wait
upon the LORD shall
renew their strength;
they shall mount up
with wings as eagles;
they shall run,
and not be weary;
and they shall walk,
and not faint.

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