Sunday, November 18, 2012


Where do you find happiness? Is it in your car, your house, or you job? There is more depression in the 21th Century than ever before. What has happened to our joy?

When the Pilgrims came over on the Mayflower they had nothing. They had no homes, no beds to sleep in and no cars to drive. Yet we see they set aside a celebration time in order to give thanks to God for helping them settle in this great land.

They looked to God for their provisions and he provided. He sent the Native Americans to teach the Pilgrims how to plant. Once their crops grew and produced, instead of saving up and hoarding all they had, they celebrated, invited the Native Americans to join them in praise to the Father.

In the 21st Century, we have up to two or three cars per household, some families have a huge house and also own a cabin or a summer home. Each of these homes is decked with expensive items. Yet we are much more ungrateful than the generations that went before us that had nothing.

We continue to hoard and gather increase so that we can look better than others, when in fact we should be doing as the Native Americans did and take the time to help others out, even if we don't know them. We don't have to be like them. We don't have to be the same skin color or from the same denomination. We need to have a heart for people in need.

Have you taken the time this Thanksgiving Season to ponder on the mighty things the Father has done for you? Have you shared your increase with others who may be in need?

David continually praised God for all he had been given. He took the alphabet and told of the goodness of the Lord in Psalms 119. Read the whole chapter. I have listed only the first four alphabets below but look it up and spend some time meditating on it. It might do us good to do the same as David and write down our thankfulness based on the twenty-six letters of our alphabet.

We are blessed far more than any nation, more than any previous generation, therefore we should be able to praise so much better. What does your praise look like?

Blessed are the undefiled in the way,
who walk in the law of the LORD.
Blessed are they that keep his testimonies,
and that seek him with the whole heart.
They also do no iniquity:
they walk in his ways.
Thou hast commanded us to
keep thy precepts diligently.
O that my ways were directed
to keep thy statutes!
Then shall I not be ashamed,
when I have respect unto
all thy commandments.
thereto according to thy word.
With my whole heart have I sought thee:
O let me not wander from
I will praise thee with uprightness of heart,
when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments.
I will keep thy statutes: O forsake me not utterly.
Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way?
by taking heed thy commandments.
Thy word have I hid in mine heart,
that I might not sin against thee.
Blessed art thou, O LORD:
teach me thy statutes.
With my lips have I declared all
the judgments of thy mouth.
I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies,
as much as in all riches.
I will meditate in thy precepts,
and have respect unto thy ways.
I will delight myself in thy statutes:
I will not forget thy word.
Deal bountifully with thy servant,
that I may live, and keep thy word.
Open thou mine eyes,
that I may behold wondrous
things out of thy law.
I am a stranger in the earth:
hide not thy commandments from me.
My soul breaketh for the longing
that it hath unto thy judgments at all times.
Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed,
which do err from thy commandments.
Remove from me reproach and contempt;
for I have kept thy testimonies.
Princes also did sit and speak against me:
but thy servant did meditate in thy statutes.
Thy testimonies also are my
delight and my counsellors.

My soul cleaveth unto the dust:
quicken thou me according to thy word.
I have declared my ways,
and thou heardest me:
teach me thy statutes.
Make me to understand the way of thy precepts:
so shall I talk of thy wondrous works.
My soul melteth for heaviness:
strengthen thou me according unto thy word.
Remove from me the way of lying:
and grant me thy law graciously.
I have chosen the way of truth:
thy judgments have I laid before me.
I have stuck unto thy testimonies:
O LORD, put me not to shame.
I will run the way of thy commandments,
when thou shalt enlarge my heart.

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