Thursday, November 1, 2012


When Steve and I moved to Kermit, Texas there was a young couple in our church named Andy and Lana Williamson, who had three young children, Amreigh, Avery and Austin. Austin was in sixth grade. He was a very quite young man who stayed close to his mother's side.

About Austin's sophomore year in high school we began to see some changes take place in his life. As these changes took place in Austin's life, our lives began to also be reshaped. On Wednesday nights he began to bring a buddy or two to church with him. He would talk to them about how they should live their lives.

He began to search the Internet for copies of the "Purpose Driven Life." He ordered copies and passed them out to other students at school. The current flow of the lives of many Kermit ISD was soon going to change forever.

Each week on Wednesday there were more and more youth showing up at Northside to hear about the Gospel of Christ. These youth were not showing up and being rowdy or disruptive. These students were there to truly learn about the Lord.

We have had youth groups with ten teenagers and had far more problems than we do with the now presently 65 teenagers that are attending. God has used Austin Williamson to lead many of these young people to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. They all attend one class together on Wednesday and are the most polite respectful group of teenagers I've ever had the opportunity knowing.

This quite young man has blossomed into a true man of God. God is using him in a mighty way and will continue to do so as he graduates and attends college, if Austin will keep his eyes on the Lord. When you talk to Austin and many of his friends you can hear in their every day speech that they have a love for Christ.

You might ask, "What was the one thing that Austin did to be used of the Lord?" He didn't go to great seminars or mission trips across sea's. The one thing that I saw take place in Austin's life was that the Lord saw a vessel that was willing to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. When Austin became filled with the Lord people couldn't help but see the difference. There were other high school students that saw what Austin had in his life, and started desiring to be like him.

You can go to You Tube and type in CBS 7 Austin Williamson Player of the Week and see and hear the testimonies of Austin and Daniel as they are unashamed to speak of Christ publicly.

The Lord is watching and waiting to find more of these vessels that are willing to be filled. He can't fill your life with himself if you are filled with everything else. You must ask the Lord to clean your vessel and then ask him to fill it. Are you willing to be a vessel used for the Lord?

II Corinthians 4:6-10
For God, who commanded the light
to shine out of darkness,
hath shined in our hearts,
to give the light of the knowledge
of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels,
that the excellency of the power may be of God,
and not of us.
We are troubled on every side,
yet not distressed;
we are perplexed, but not in despair;
Persecuted, but not forsaken;
cast down, but not destroyed;
Always bearing about in the body
the dying of the Lord Jesus,
that the life also of Jesus might be
made manifest in our body.

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