Friday, January 11, 2013


   For five years I drove to Andrews and worked every day. The drive was one hour there and one hour back home. People asked me constantly, Why I would do such a thing." My only reply was, "That is where God wants me". 

   If you asked me during those five years why the Lord wanted me working through a temporary agency for ExxonMobil, I would say, "I really don't know." Some even asked, "How do you know the Lord wants you working there if you don't know why." My response was, "I don't know why but I do know that's where he wants me." 

   Many times during the long drives I questioned if I was really hearing the Lord correctly and doing the right thing or had I honestly lost my mind, as the drive was not always easy. 

   Upon completing the writing, editing, submitting and printing of "Digging a Well," I realized why the Lord had placed me in that job. I was constantly building spreadsheets for them that were pretty detailed. The last year I spent nearly every waking hour building a spreadsheet and tracking the data in it. It was an extreme challenge to build and also an extreme challenge for me to keep up and running.

   This spreadsheet would read numbers off other spreadsheets and then create graphs and charts that were printed weekly and hung on the wall.  The detail of building the spreadsheet and keeping it running was so intense that I watched it constantly, making sure the data was feeding into it correctly.

   Little did I realize but this job had created a deep amount of structure in my life.  I was already a person of structure, I thought to the extreme, but nothing like it would take to write a book. 

   The day I completed writing the book and it had been approved, I took a deep breath and the first thing out of my mouth was, "If I had not listened to the Lord and continued to make the drive back and forth to ExxonMobil everyday and do the work I did, I could never have accomplished the completion of this book. 
   I have no doubt that trusting the Lord that he knew what I needed, in order to move forward with the book, was that very job.  Many times I miss my job but the reward of completing the book and now compiling all the devotions I have written into another book called, "Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord," is what I was called to do during 2012.

   For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. (Romans 1:16-17)

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