Tuesday, January 29, 2013


A hearing was set for this morning and I was summoned to appear in court. As I entered the courtroom I was a little unsure of myself, but it was here and the time had come that I must stand before the judge and let him decide what the verdict would be.
As the hearing began I remembered the scripture and it was decided that it would be used upon this occasion. So squaring my shoulders, as my abuse counselor had taught me many years ago, I entered the presence of the judge, the Almighty God.
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16)
The questioning began and I knew it was possible that my rights could be taken away. The right to sing about the Lord, the right to play the piano for his glory, and the right to share all the storms the Lord has brought me through.
Something surprising happened this morning during the trial. I was questioned as to why I keep allowing this person to have visitation rights. The great judge proceeded to ask me several other questions,
"Why do you let him come back?
Why do you listen to what he is saying?
Why are you in court today over such an issue?"
Not sure how to answer these questions, I assured the great judge that I no longer wanted him around. He abuses me, he attacks me, he stalks me, he leaves me so defeated and wounded.
Before leaving the courtroom of the Lord, the gavel was pounded loudly against the great judges table and the verdict was given. The verdict is out and Satan no longer has visitation rights. He doesn't have to right to defeat me, wound me and leave me defeated. Jesus Christ my lawyer and my judge has set the verdict and he will see to it that this verdict is upheld.
Before I left the courtroom I was given my bandage of grace. It was wrapped all around me to keep me from being further wounded and broken, and for the first time since I started writing two years ago the Lord gave me peace in my heart that I truly am a writer.
I can sing, play the piano, do children's lessons or speak at ladies ministry meeting to help others, but my true calling is writing. This is the way of expressing one devotion at a time how the Lord will lead and guide us if we walk with him.
So in the future as I write on my blog, book or whatever the Lord places before me to write on, the verdict has been given and it will be enforced. Satan no longer has visitation rights and I will not allow him to enter and try to defeat me as a writer. If any of my friends and family members sees him trying to snoop and get access into my life in the future, it will be up to you also to help enforce this verdict and remind him that visitation rights are a thing of the past.

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