Sunday, January 20, 2013


   Steve and I have been talking about this Scripture lately. As I was reading it the Lord touched my heart with just how awesome he is. This is not the first time we seen God intervene in a powerful way but each time that he does it, I think we need to give him the glory as my friend did in the story shown below. She had posted the scripture Hab 3:19 on her facebook page and requested prayer. Several of us agreed to bind in prayer for a couple that was flying into her area for a seven day counseling session with her. When the Lord lays something on your heart be sure and listen, he may be laying a scripture on your heart to give someone that he desires to bring it life right before their eyes.
   Many of us will listen to the word of God, others will listen when someone shares it with them. There are many like the lady below that it really doesn't sink in until the Lord shows a visual. There is a scripture that says line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. This is a beautiful story of just that very thing.

   The Sovereign Lord is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a DEER, able to tread upon the HEIGHTS. (Hab 3:19)?” That was the first day of the intensive and in my prayer time, I felt God put that verse on my heart for this couple. So I typed it on a piece of paper and gave it to them yesterday, while discussing the visual of deer walking uphill on rocky ground. Today in the intensive as my client expressed her feelings of helplessness and hopelessness to ever be free of her struggle and the belief that God would never help her in it, something happened that was more than any words I could’ve ever said. In that moment, I looked out the window of my office in the middle of town and to my surprise I saw on the other side of the parking lot in the rocks… a herd of deer walking right in front of my office window, one by one. Because of the direction I was sitting it didn’t occur to me what occurred to her from her angle. She was at the bottom side of the hill looking at them walk UP the HEIGHTS and she said “and they’re walking UPHILL!” Seeing her soften for the first time, eyes swelling in both of us, I knew we were on sacred ground.


  1. Hey Sherry, that counselor was me on my Wings of Hope FB page! I just saw your post and I'm so glad God is using it to show us that our God is truly a personal God.

    1. The story you told really blessed my heart. Amazing how the Lord can move in such an awesome way and we get to be a part of it when we follow his gentle leading. That scripture is one I have pondered on many times lately.
