Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Yesterday was an extremely bitter sweet day. There wasn't many that showed up for the book signing in Sweetwater, which is what we expected but since one of my adopted daughters, Marcia, worked at Holiday Inn there, it was a great opportunity to spend some long awaited time with her.
We also had some very dear friends from another nearby town come and stay the afternoon with us. What a wonderful time we had just sharing things that had taken place in all our lives over the last ten years and basking in the joy of seeing each other.
As expected someone else showed up at the event. I was watching for him as he tends to show up whenever the Lord is moving us forward in his work. Yes, you are correct. He was the one that has tried to visit me often, telling me I'm no good, that I'm a failure, that God doesn't use people like me. Oh the list goes on and on of the ways he has tried to defeat me. Satan knows there are many women and young ladies who need to be set free and he would love to shut my mouth, as I try to help them walk out of their well of depression, silent tears, and overwhelming circumstances.
Did the thought cross my mind to throw in the towel? Yes it did! I once again thought,
"Satan is correct I am no good, I am a failure, I am far from what I should be in life. I failed as a mother in how I disciplined my children, I failed as a wife in being the support I should have been, and yes I failed as a minister's wife and I still do."
 As I fell asleep last night I asked the Lord to once again help me to overcome my "I" trouble.
As I awakened this morning the thought crossed my mind, "It's grace." I prayed to the Lord and said, "I know it's your grace but I am Sherry Long and I don't get how your grace is going to carry me past this one."
Being the slow learner that I have always been, I prayed once again and said, "Lord, can you give it to me on a lower level to where I can truly understand what part of God's grace I need at this very moment to carry on."
He gently said, "It's G for God, It's R for revealing and it's ACE for my bandage for your soul, spirit, and heart."
I allowed the Lord to wrap me in his God, revealing ace this morning. I know if he loves me enough to provide an ace bandage when I need it, he loves me enough to help me carry on.
Will Satan return and try to destroy what God is leading me slowly to do in order to help people overcome their well of destruction, well of despair, and the bitter water of Myrah? Yes, he will but just like the Lord has given me a wonderful support team who prays for me daily, he has given me his GRACE, a bandage I will carry with me on every book signing, speaking engagement, or even sitting at home writing on my blog.
I have seen the power of the Almighty God bring me through things I thought were never possible, times it didn't require a band-aid, it required an ace bandage, something larger. I needed something that would wrap around and around and secure the wound and the pain.
When you fall down, slip away, or become wounded by the world and you feel a band-aid just isn't enough, reach into God's word and pull out one of those bandages, wrap God's grace around and around and find his grace is sufficient for thee.


  1. Sherry, Sometimes I need at least an ACE bandage or it may require a body cast to mend my pains from allowing Satan to put all the self doubt in my desire to be a servent for my Lord!! May God Bless your ministry!

    1. God is good and is always there when we need him. He has whatever size bandage is needed placed upon our lives.
