Wednesday, January 9, 2013


    When I was growing up I used to hear older people talk about their bodies falling apart. They would say, "You just don't respect your body like you should until you get old and realize how rough you really were on it." I would chuckle under my breath and keep going ninety miles an hour, or more.
   The last couple days I have been compiling devotions for my next book, "Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord," therefore I have been tucked away, with my laptop in hand and the world far away into the distance. The few people I spoke with have been close friends and our conversations have gone like this. "Good morning, hope you are feeling better today" Oh no, you are kidding, not your joints again! You just now got over the flu and the week before that you had the stomach bug.
   It seems everyone I have spoken to is over fifty and falling apart, along with myself. It's not easy when you top the hill and the only thing you see is eternity or a long road downward. We surely are not ready to slip into eternity yet, so our only choice is the long road down.
   Now you young people can laugh, but just as we finally arrived to this destination, you also will get to this point one day.
   In my earlier years I was one of the most energetic, enthusiastic, motivated young ladies ever but something happened. Life took its toll and now sometimes it hurts to get up from the sofa to go get a drink. Seriously now, it really does!
   We all have these seasons of life. What we must do is to make the most out of each season. During my younger days, I ran and jumped, danced and sang, picked up kids and swung them around. During my middle age I did all of these things but at a much slower pace. Now mid-life is the season and I have found that I must stand back and watch my children and grandchildren run and jump, dance and sing, and pick up the children and swing them around, that is, if I want to be the one getting out of bed tomorrow.
   Each of these seasons has brought depth to my life that I never dreamed of having. When I was young I worried about when I would get old. Would I even know what to do? Would I be like an older person sitting around doing nothing or would I be like the sweet little ladies trying to hang out with the teenagers? Who would I be? What would my life bring forth?
   Here I sit writing, something I never planned on doing in all of my days. Something I never dreamed possible, yet here I am. You never know where the Lord is going to take you in this great adventure called life, but one thing is for sure, it will not be boring, if the Lord is leading the way. 
   The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness. (Proverbs 16:31)

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