Friday, January 25, 2013


     When our oldest son was in the fifth grade he fell off of his bunk bed and landed on top of a baseball bat. We took him to see the doctor, who ran x-rays on his arm and sent us home saying there was no broken bones. About mid-night that night Joshua began to run fever and complain with his arm hurting. After about an hour he began to complain that he was seeing polka dots. A trip to the emergency room was made. The doctor looked more closely at the arm and decided it was just badly sprained and sent us home with Codeine.
Two hours later Joshua was running extremely high fever and his arm had doubled in size. Another trip was made to the emergency room and then we were sent to Lubbock to the hospital. Upon a few x-rays it was determined that Joshua had a hairline fracture and also strep throat. What had occurred was unusual but extremely dangerous. The hairline fracture was just a warm enough spot to draw the strep virus to it, causing a very serious bone infection.
After undergoing two surgeries and a Subclavian Port-A-Cathe placed on his chest, which is a tube running to the heart that we injected antibiotics into for thirty days, he was like new after the thirty days.
I see our nation as being in the same state our son was in the night he fell. We had a few hairline fractures in our system and when we began to be flooded with different religions and beliefs, instead of being able to overcome it, we now see that it's going to take a major antidote to heal this nation. When the virus affects one area it's not as difficult to recover from it but as we seen with our son, the virus has so taken over that it is now, all the way to the bone. The very core of our nation is being shaken and the one thing that will heal it is an infusion from God.
Just as they placed the Subclavian Port-A-Cathe onto Josh's chest that sent medication straight to the heart, America needs to do the same. It's going to take major surgery to get this country back in the right direction and it's going to take a daily injection of the word of God. Large doses and strong doses of God's Divine Holiness is the only thing that will bring this country back to its feet.
  LORD, rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure. Have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak: O LORD, heal me; for my bones are vexed. My soul is also sore vexed: but thou, O LORD, how long? Return, O LORD, deliver my soul: oh save me for thy mercies’ sake. (Psalm 6:1-3) 

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