Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Photo provided by Teresa Bruce Gross

Do you ever just feel like you are being overcome 
by darkness?  Recently I was experiencing that 
feeling and our pastor had preached on the 
light of Christ being greater than the darkness. 
I finally felt so overwhelmed by the darkness
of this situation that I walked in and said,
"Jesus is the light and the darkness of this 
situation will not overpower this place and I 
ask that the Lord show forth His light. Right
as I felt I couldn't handle anymore, the light
came flooding through.  I walked into the place
to find out one day that the structure of this 
place would be taking on a new face and 
great change was fixing to happen. 

Sometimes it is hard to wait out the storm 
but as you do so, keep your eye on the light, 
the Lord Jesus Christ and pray that he might 
overpower the darkness with his great light. 

Tonight at the church I was playing the piano
before everyone arrived.  A friend of mine
came in and was quite defeated.  As mothers
we are faced with struggles from every angle
As a mother of multiple children I under-
stand this so very well.  We have our
daily struggles at work, and the struggles
of feeling defeated many times as a
parent.  Then we carry the load of people
who are sick, going through so many
trials in their own lives and the list goes on.
My friend had been experiencing some things in
her life and the darkness seemed to be invading.
We talked a short time and then had prayer that in 
the midst of the darkness, God would shine
a ray of hope so she could see what 
she is doing is not in vain, and that God is
still alive and working in her life. 

As I was leaving the church, she came up
and told me that a young lady had stopped
her tonight and started asking her about
baptism.  She shared how she didn't understand
how we worship Christ and told what she had
been taught in her religion.  What an awesome
ray of hope she received from her labors 
of love.  God has promised us that his light
will not be overcome by the darkness.  We 
are to stay in the presence of the Holy God 
and not forget his promise.  If we stay 
inside the center of God's presence he will 
deliver that promise to us. 

For some time it seemed everywhere I went
people started giving me words of my 
ministry going forward.  I didn't disregard 
what they said, but I didn't totally expect the 
Lord to do anything through Digging a Well
Ministries, yet still more promises were 
being revealed from every direction.  I 
almost got caught up in the thought that I 
needed to run to and fro trying to raise 
money, trying to write more books, 
trying to make the ministry take off and 
expand.  The Lord continually laid on 
my heart that I was to stay in the presence
of the Lord and allow Him to take care of
the things so I would know it was
truly him working it out instead of

True to His promise, he has taken 
Digging a Well Ministries so much 
further than I could have ever imagined
possible,  All he ask that I do is to be 
standing where he leads at just the 
right time and he will overtake the
darkness with the Light of Jesus Christ. 

That was the true Light, which lighteth
every man that cometh into the world.
He was in the world, and the world was 
made by him, and the world knew him not.
He came unto his own, and his 
own received him not.  But as many as 
received him, to them gave he power to 
become the sons of God, even to them that 
believe on his name:  Which were born, 
not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, 
nor of the will of man, but of God.
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt
 among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory 
as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of 
grace and truth.

John 1:9-14

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