Sunday, December 25, 2016


Photo created by Steve Long 

And it came to pass in those days, 
that there went out a decree from 
Caesar Augustus, that all the world 
should be taxed. (And this taxing 
was first made when Cyrenius 
was governor of Syria.) And all 
went to be taxed, every one into 
his own city. And Joseph also 
went up from Galilee, out of the 
city of Nazareth, into Judaea, 
unto the city of David, which is 
called Bethlehem; (because 
he was of the house and lineage 
of  David:) To be taxed with 
Mary his espoused wife, being 
great with child. And so it was, 
that, while they were there, the 
days were accomplished that 
she should be delivered. And 
she brought forth her firstborn 
son, and wrapped him in swaddling 
clothes, and laid him in a manger; 
because there was no room for them 
in the inn. And there were in the 
same country shepherds abiding 
in the field, keeping watch over 
their flock by night. And, lo, the 
angel of the Lord came upon them, 
and the glory of the Lord shone 
round about them: and they were 
sore afraid. And the angel said 
unto them, Fear not: for, behold, 
I bring you good tidings of great 
joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in 
the city of David a Saviour, 
which is Christ the Lord. And 
this shall be a sign unto you; 
Ye shall find the babe wrapped 
in swaddling clothes, lying in a
manger/ And suddenly there 
was with the angel a multitude 
of the heavenly host praising 
God, and saying, Glory to God 
in the highest, and on earth peace, 
good will toward men.

LUKE 2:1-14


May we not get so caught up in 
gift giving and food that we forget 
the fact that the greatest gift - A 
Saviour came into this world for us. 
Not only did the father send His 
only Son into the world as a gift 
to us but he sent Him into the 
world so he could in turn receive 
the most precious gift back; your 
heart and soul. 

God didn't send His Son to be 
born and die on the cross for 
us to celebrate the event of His 
birth and leave it at that. He 
sent Him that we would celebrate 
His birth and receive a new birth 
ourselves. The most precious 
gift is God being able to receive 
you into His kingdom and sending 
His Son as a gift was His way of 
accomplishing that very thing. 
His heart for your heart! What 
a precious gift you can give Him. 

Romans 5:10-11
For if, when we were enemies, 
we were reconciled to God by 
he death of his Son, much more, 
being reconciled, we shall be saved 
by his life.  And not only so, but we also
joy in God through our Lord Jesus 
Christ, by whom we have now 
received the atonement.

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