Thursday, December 8, 2016


Photo by Kassidy Mitchell

Come into the holy of holies!  This is a
statement that will either woo you in or 
will cause you to run in fear.  When we 
enter into the presence of the Holy One it
makes us lay aside all of our selfishness, 
our desires and ambitions in order to 
make way for His desires and ambitions 
for our lives. 

For several years now I have had people 
talk to me about writing another book 
but the passion was not there,  The passion 
I had was set in a different direction.  
My passion at the time was to give hope 
to the hurting people I met daily as I was 
taking the train to work, and to carry 
the light of Christ to the world 
closet to me. 

For those of you who have never written 
a book, this is something that becomes 
nearly impossible to do while working a 
full time job and being deeply involved 
in the ministry of our church.

So when the question was asked, each 
time I would let them know that the 
Lord had led me to write the two books 
I had written; but he was not leading me 
to write anything besides those two books.  
I was thoroughly convinced that the Lord 
was not going to lay it on my heart to write 
another book.  After all, I still haven’t been able 
to wrap my mind around the fact that I have 
written two books already much less the fact 
that the Lord would desire me to write 
anything more for him.

Then driving to work one day I felt the 
Lord start weaving the idea into my heart.  
I pushed it aside due to the fact, there is no 
possible way I can write another book while 
holding down a full time job, especially one 
that I am on the road for close to an hour 
going to work and then returning. 

Months later the desire began to be 
weaved deeper into my heart and with me 
being the person that I am, I pushed it 
aside wondering how in the world I 
could be having this desire to write again.  
Writing a book is one of the most time 
consuming, difficult things for myself since 
I am not a natural writer and although I can 
spell much better than I could years ago, I 
still struggle with grammar and the overall 
concept of writing. 

The one thing I didn’t struggle with too 
long, is the fact; if the Lord continues 
to lay something on my heart that I come 
to the understanding that all else will be put 
on hold until I follow the will of the Father.  
If he chooses for me to write a book, then 
he will do all the fine tuning of my life 
in order to bring it to fruition.  That 
doesn’t’ mean I will enjoy every 
moment of the changes taking place. 
It does mean, as He makes the changes 
in my life, He is going to fill the empty 
spots with the right things in order to bring 
about His plan, and it will be a beautiful thing 
that takes place when he brings it to past.

What I must be willing to do is set
aside my personal desires and come
boldyly into the holy of holies, by the 
blood of the lamb and ask the Lord to 
use this book for His glory.   

Having therefore, brethren, boldness to 
enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus,
By a new and living way, which he
 hath consecrated for us, through
 the veil, that is to say, his flesh;
And having an high priest over the
house of God;  Let us draw near with a 
true heart in full assurance of faith, 
having our hearts sprinkled from an evil 
conscience, and our bodies washed 
with pure water. Let us hold fast the 
profession of our faith without wavering; 
(for he is faithful that promised;)
And let us consider one another 
to provoke unto love and to good 
works: Not forsaking the assembling of 
ourselves together, as the manner of some is; 
but exhorting one another: and so much 
the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Hebrews 10:19-25

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