Thursday, December 15, 2016


Sometimes we are given opportunities in life that are as adventures as sailing the seas, flying to that wonderful remote place we've always dreamed of.  Not everyone is granted such an opportunity but when it arrives at your door, you should open the door and let it come in and enjoy that one time experience to the very nth degree.

As I ponder tonight about my new found friend Thanh, I can't help but believe the Lord has sent him into our lives for a wonderful reason.  As I began to think about him and how the Lord can use his life, the topic came to my mind. "The humble Warrior".  Thanh is such a picture of humility, never expecting anyone to do things for him but always going the extra mile to make sure he takes care of things that need done around him.  As soon as he visited our home the first time, he noticed us throwing trash into the trash can and instantly took the trash out to the dumpster.  Always picking up his plate and silverware and taking care of them instead of expecting others to do it for him.  Never sitting down until others have sit first, never rude or arrogant, filled with excitement and loves it when Steve, my husband says something funny, which is often.  Laughs when I tell him Steve is crazy because he loves to crack jokes all the time.  Thanh laughs and makes sure Steve knows he's doesn't think he's crazy and that he likes him a lot and likes the funny things he says and does.

A sponge, Thanh soaks up every bit of knowledge he can absorb.  Eager to learn how to cook, learn how to live the American dream, how to become better at everything he does.  Always waiting for the next chapter to open in his life and eager to walk through the door when it does open.

Filled with a love for music, especially piano music, he will listen to it for hours and he is beginning to read the book of Psalm each night while listening to piano music.  Growing daily as he takes one step of faith learning about walking with the Lord.  What a splendid thing to get to be a part of.  From his birth in Christ and then to his walk with the Lord and watching as the Lord provides for him.

Watching as he meets his new friend Oveta who is from San Salvador.  It's amazing watching these two young people who neither one knows much English, and they don't know each others language yet you see a special beauty portrayed when you see them together.  Such a softness and kindness for each other and a kindness in communicating to each other the things that are important to them.  But mostly just being with each other as words are not the most important thing in their lives right now; acceptance is and this is where they have found a common thread.

Jeremiah 29:11 speaks of something I feel most people misinterpret. There are far more riches in life than money and the nicest car or house.  There is great riches found in watching someones life change and them learning and growing in truth and telling other people about what the Lord has done for them.

Everyone thought Jesus would become the King of Kings meaning the great King of this world and one could get quite excited about that thought, but instead God had plans for him to become a far greater King than of one that ruled the earth.  His plan was a difficult plan but it was a plan for Jesus Christ to rule the entire universe but not without suffering greatly first.

The Lord also has a plan for us, we may feel he isn't fulfilling that plan because everything doesn't seem to be coming together in our favor.  Maybe, just maybe you are seeing the first step of the portrait the Lord is painting of your life.  When he unveils the final portrait you will then realize that his plans were the right ones all along, even when we didn't trust he knew what was best for us.

Thanh shared with me how he felt devastated that his father asked him to leave his home but great doors opened in Thanh's life after that.  Doors that may have never opened had this not taken place.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, 
saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not 
of evil, to give you an expected end.
Then shall ye call upon me, and ye 
shall go and pray unto me, and I will 
hearken unto you.  And ye shall 
seek me, and find me, when ye 
shall search for me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:11-13

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