Saturday, December 1, 2012


  I think it's time we "brighten up" instead of "lighten up." Each time I read post about controversial issues there is usually a person that will post the comment, "Christians just need to lighten up. There are times that things are drawn, created or posted just to stir Christian emotions." Guess what, it works!

   As I read the post I see numerous emotions being expressed openly in both directions. It's not easy to see all the changes in our society and not express our opinion.

   Satan would love for Christians to sit down and shut up while he keeps drawing people into his kingdom. Movies, songs, games and the lists go on of things Satan has his stamp on. He never sits down and he never shuts up.

   Personally I feel if the Christians are silent then we will only slip further and further into pulling away from God. It's the Christians voice that needs to be heard, but we need to make sure it is done correctly. If we do it incorrectly, it can do more harm than good.

   What we need to do before we speak and share our opinions is to "brighten up" on what the word of God says. When we share our opinion instead of God's opinion we really don't have ground to stand on.

   When we stand on the word of God, then we are standing on truth, and that is what will change our world.

      Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (II Timothy 2:15)

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