Friday, December 14, 2012



Today our heart is grieving with the families
of the children and family members in connecticut. 
"Digging a Well" book is being published at the prestent time. 
I feel it important to take a portion from
the book and share it with you today. 
The portion below is a portion of Chapter six,
"What Stops Your Well?"
What causes your well to stop flowing? Earthquakes can.  What earthquakes have you experienced lately that have changed or stopped the flow of your well?

We see how that cutting the water source can be part of destroying a city.  This is true in our lives.  We are in contant need of the Living Water.   Too many times we are not willing to drink from the Word of God.  Therefore, our lives are like the well that when the water stops, we become stagnant.

Have you experienced failure or pain in your life?  If you are alive and old enough to read this blog, then your answer is probably yes. Failure and pain is a part of each of our lives. It’s the part of our lives that we don’t enjoy but it’s also a part of our lives that makes us stronger.

After a few years of being out of the well of despair and on my way to recovery, I was able to sit down and write a song called, “The Path.” I had experienced things in my life that I didn't think I could live through.  I felt my pain and grief was too great for me to handle. 

I didn’t write it while I was in the well of despair or even six months later.  It took years before I was able to write songs of what I experienced.

You may never write a song, paint a picture, or write a book that represents the depth of your pain.  Whatever the Lord leads you to do, do it with all your might. 

When you are afraid and feel so alone
I will be your Comforter.
When I walked upon the earth
I saw just how it felt to be left all alone.
Kneeling in the garden there
I was left alone to deal with all the pain,
Knowing I was born to die
There upon the cross in just a few short days.
So I turned to God and He gave me peace.
I lifted up my eyes.
I turned my face to God.
He lifted me up
and gave me strength to trod
That path.
When you are lost, cannot find your way,
I will be your Counselor.
When you walk upon the earth,
Know within your heart
You will not be left alone.
Kneeling in your sorrow there,
You are not alone to deal with all the pain.
Know that I was born to die
There upon the cross to suffer in your place.
So turn to God; He will give you peace
So lift up your eyes
And turn your face to God.
He will lift you up
And give you strength to trod.
So lift up your eyes
And turn your face to God.
He will lift you up
And give you strength to trod
Your path.
(Written by Sherry Long)
 The Lord is the only one who can know your sorrow, understand your pain, and touch your soul.  Allow him to walk with you and carry you through this  massive earthquakes in your life.

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