Monday, December 10, 2012


Are you the type person that just can't let things go? It can be anything from clothes, shoes, household items and paperwork that's not needed.
You may also be a person who can't let go of bad things. Many times we have unforgiving hearts towards someone. We wait until they say something wrong and then we unload the whole sack of unforgiveness over the top their heads.
The monkey is a perfect example of how holding onto things can be detrimental. Did you know in some Asian counties, if you cut a small hole and put a nut in a clay pot or inside a coconut, you can catch a monkey? The monkey will come along and reach his hand into the jar and will never let the nut go. He clinches his fist as tight as he can. The only way to set the monkey free is to break the pot or coconut open.
In some Asian countries they catch monkeys this way. In our society Satan traps Christians this way. We latch onto things that will totally destroy us. We tighten our grip around it and clinch our fist. No matter who tells us to let go or shows us how to let go, we are not going to. The item is ours and there isn't anyone or anything that is going to keep us from having it.
How tight are you holding onto the things that can be detrimental to you?
Jesus wants us to experience freedom. You will not truly experience freedom until you let go.
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,(Hebrews 12:1)

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