Saturday, December 22, 2012


Created by Sherry Long
"Digging a Well Ministries"
Photo provided by Kay Rowe
In Memory of my grandmother Janie Lee Poss. 
This tree and the hill that stands behind MawMaw's house brings back some of the fondest memories of my childhood.  This tree stands in front of her house and has more memories under it than you can imagine.  Memories of new babies being born.  Memories of churning butter, snapping black eyes peas and cracking pecans.  Some of the greatest family reunions were held under this tree.  There were many evenings spent with cousins catching fire flies and putting them into jars.  Many hugs were given and many fights were started under it.  This old tree was the place for many games of tag, hide and seek and cousins saying, "ain't going to MawMaw's no more, only to run off and be back to play in ten minutes.
Most of all,
This was MawMaw's old tree,
A memory of her past.

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