Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Recently at work they provided a program with an app.
The program sounded wonderful so of course
I am going to join.  For every step you take; you 
rack up points.  In order to count the steps 
you must wear a fitbit.  

For my birthday, Steve purchased me a fitbit, 
I downloaded the app to my smartphone, and
off I go a walking.  

Since I already walked four to five miles a
day, I was in the habit of taking the right steps
so adding nothing else to my schedule, I began
to get points and receive money for the points,
so I thought. .

After the quarter was up, for some reason, it
didn't show all my points.

Off I went with the next quarter, but this
time I was trying to find out why. I wasn't getting
credit for all the points.

Much into the 2nd quarter I happened to talk with
the right person.

The lady asked, "After you complete each week,
are you going to your company website
and clicking on symc?"

No, was my response because when I started the
program I hit sync to connect the fitbit app
to the company app."

She said, "If you don't sync weekly the
points are not accounted for."

Seriously, it's going to take me three
new gadgets to earn some simple points.

I have to wear my fitbit, complete the steps
and on top of that,I have to go the
extra mile and open my laptop to the
correct program and sync all
the data over.

Now that is a little extreme, yet when I did
the required steps I was able to go shopping,
for instantly points began to show up.  After
the points showed up the rewards followed.

Life is much the same.  There are many people
going through life doing the things they feel are
good.  They feel they are on the correct track
and looking good.  Yet, if they have not taken
the time to link to the application Christ provided,
they will find themselves empty and angry at
the end of the journey.

Many of these folks understand very well that
in order to receive the crown of life and enter
into the eternal kingdom the Lord has prepared
for them, they must sync up.

Yet they chose daily to move right past the
bridge (the cross) the very link they need
to enter into the blessings.

It only takes a short time to do the initial
set up (asking the Lord to be a part of your life)
and a short time daily to sync your life
(your personal app) to the word of

The rewards are out of this world and
the blessing of God will follow you
all the days of your life.

It's time to sync up before it's too late. 

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