Monday, September 3, 2012


When I read a verse today I began to see it with new meaning.  My grandmother Janie Lee Poss made me do something as a child that helped me understand what this verse means.

My grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins all lived on a farm in Alabama.  We called it the Holler.  When we traveled to my grandmothers house; we would go so far into the back hills that I knew if I ever left by myself I'd never find my way back.  The trees hover over the houses, the road, the fields and everything else.  The first time my husband traveled to Alabama to meet my family, after a few days he had to get in the car and drive to an open field so he could bask in the sunshine for awhile.  It can get quite claustrophobic in the holler.

When I was a very young child we would go to see my mothers family and my grandmother always had a job for everyone.  I would hear her say, "now Sue I want you and Kathy to go out there on that pouch and churn butter.  What she meant is she wanted us to take the gallon jar of milk that she had.  She had just come in from milking the cow in the pasture.  She wanted us to take the milk and roll it back and forth to each other for what they said was 30 minutes or so; but I had my doubts that it was just 30 minutes. 

We would have to roll it forcefully to separte it  If we rolled it to forcefully we would break the jug.  Honestly it looked like perfectly good milk to me before we started, but grandma knew best.  She knew that there appeared to be one item in that jug but if we divided it up by churning it she would end up with butter, buttermilk and also if she wanted she could make cheese.  This one product was great to drink as fresh milk but if it was rightly divided it became three very rich products. 

This is what the Lord wants us to do with his word.  Put it before us and push it back and forth for awhile and meditate on it.  We then need to start to divide it up and I believe if we start to do it we not only will see the truth of the word but we will see the riches of his word revealed to us in great length. 

Have you ever taken the time to rightly divide the word of truth?  His riches are great and there for you to discover.  You don't discover these riches unless you are willing to take the time to rightly divide his word.

Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.

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