Saturday, September 1, 2012


A trip to see my three children Joshua and his wife Kristy,  Lisa and Matthew was the highlight of my week.  You just can't understand how much love a parent can have in their heart for their children until you are one.

Take as much love as a parent has in their heart for their own child and times that by two.  Maybe it's times four, that's what it is like to have grandchildren.  I have always heard just how wonderful it is but until you experience it for yourself, you really don't understand what others mean.  It is just an awesome feeling to know that your child was able to produce something so sweet, loving and adorable and it's part of you also. 

We were able to stay for 4 days in Garland with our children.  Emma and I play each day like it is going to be our last.  We would swing, go walking, collect leaves, pretend cook, watch veggie tales and we can't forget to do bubbles every day.  We go swimming and shopping, turn flips and do silly fun songs.  The whole trip is just packed with MeeMee and Emma giggles. 

On the Thursday morning Emma said, "Sadie is my friend, Izzy is my friend and MeeMee is my friend."  I understood right then and there that Emma loved, loved, loved her MeeMee.  When Emma says you are her friend that means that she loves you with every part of her being and she wants to be with you all the time.  My heart swelled with pride because of all the wonderful people that Emma knows and plays with I was listed as one of her three friends.  Each time we visit she tells me Sadie and Izzy are her fiends but this time I was included.

Thursday evening we loaded our bags and headed to the airport to fly back to good old West Texas.  Everything on the trip was fun and laughing until MeeMee had to tell her best friend forever goodbye.  Emma hugged me so tight and cried her little eyes out saying, "no MeeMee, no MeeMee.  My heart just broke having to leave her. 

Do you ever wonder if this is what the Lord feels when we walk away from him?  He took the time to not only say we are his best friend forever but that he loved us so much that he purchased us so that we could be together all the time.  We are his favorite BFF and then for us to walk away from his almost seems heartless. 

Does he grieve when we leave?  What exactly does he feel?  Are you willing to give up something in order to have a relationship with a person?  Your BFF was willing to give up his only son so he could have a relationship with us.  The sad part is, we still walk away from him.  It's not that we are required to walk away, it's just that we don't understand the depth of his love and how much it breaks his heart. 

As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you:
continue ye in my love.  If ye keep my commandments,
ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments,
and abide in his love.  These things have I spoken unto you,
that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.

John 9:13

1 comment:

  1. Love this Sherry. Broke my heart when you had to leave my baby girl too. I'm so glad she has a best friend like you!!!!
