Monday, September 3, 2018


Many years ago I was challenged to write a book.
Being the person I am I was more prone to believe
I shouldn't.  I was creative but my full time job
was creating formula's and functions and 
gathering data that would create graphs 
and charts for management.  This was one 
thing that I so enjoyed doing.  The reason for 
this is; I could get off into my own little corner
and shut the world out and learn and bring to 
fruition the knowledge and it would give great
understanding to those who viewed the data, 
giving them the knowledge to make better 

As the Lord worked out all the fine details of 
my life I found myself writing the book called, 
"Digging a Well" and self published it in 2010.
As you see I still love my graphs and charts
and viewing the graph today it is obvious 
the point in time that I realized I had something
to offer that people were in search of.

Up until early 2016 I wrote on my blog 
as a way to find hope for myself to survive 
the storms in my life.  In late 2015 and early 2016
it was brought to my attention by people I started 
giving my books away to that I had a story 
they needed to hear.  This is a story of hope. 
Hope is vital to survival.  

You can pack a survival kit with every perfect item 
but if you don't have hope of getting through 
the storm, you may never have what it 
takes to even retrieve the items in an intelligent 
way to make it through the obstacle your facing. 

Questions asked by many who find themselves 
in survival mode. How soon should I consume 
the products in my bag?  How much should I 
consume at one time?

For the person who doesn't have hope the items 
are consumed at a faster rate due to panic setting in. 
For the person with hope, the items are consumed 
at a slow intelligent rate.

My motto has always been, "Wait, Watch, and Pray."

I watch people as they go through life and there are 
many who are caught up in the mentality of;
eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow
we are going to die and that is the end.  They live life 
in a haphazard way and their surroundings bring 
to fruition the lifestyle lived.  

The person having hope isn't just living life for self 
but living it for their mate, their children, their 
grandchildren, their nieces/nephews, neighbors 
and friends.  

Once I was to the point of realizing I have a message that
needs to go out to others no matter how bad of a writer I am
or the lack of funding, a goal was set, "move forward at
all times; even if the progress is slow.  Never stop giving hope." 

When things are going good, offer hope.  
When things are going bad, offer hope. 
When funds are high, offer hope.  
When funds are low, offer hope.

The Lord has allowed me to find a way to creatively 
cross over into the world of science and blend the two, 
nature and nurture into one location and display it for 
the world to drink from.  In doing this we have 
watched the ministry springboard into a whole new 
rhelm of glory where the Savior is displayed to all the 
nations of the world offering them hope for today 
and strength for tomorrow.  

It's not often that I share my hearts goal for Digging a Well 
Ministries but as we move into deeper waters my heart would 
be to produce a International Cookbook and also bring back
to life a company that I started many years ago of my own
designs of sewing and custom made items.  

In order to meet this goal we will need support.  We ask 
each of our readers to be in prayer as to what the best way
to achieve this goal would be.    

Innovation requires brilliant ideas and a way to 
successfully bring those ideas to fruition before 
the public eye. 

It has always been my belief when creativity 
meets science and we implement all the five 
senses that God gave us and all of nature to 
display his glory, we will have a world waiting 
to drink from the water we offer.  

This water is the Living Water and is drawn 
from a well that will never run dry. 

Come drink! 

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