Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Photo provided by Macie Rae Haley 

Have you ever watch water flow after a great storm.  
A small stream trickles down the hillside, it's joined 
by many other small streams.  Suddenly it reaches 
the bottom of the hillside and dips into a gully where
a larger stream is flowing.  As it travels and other 
streams are added to it one by one, the current 
increases in momentum and a rapid current suddenly 
turns into raging catastrophic plucking of massive 
boulders, taking out trees, heavy equipment and 
breaking apart houses that are its path.

Yet this very same water can be the thing
which brings tranquility when sitting beside 
a calm spring listening to the birds singing 
and the sound of the water trickling down 
the stream.
The same is true with our heart.  The living 
water can bring peace, comfort and tranquility. 
Yet that same living water can bring conviction 
to the heart causing us to be overwhelmed by 
how far we have strayed from the presence 
of the Holy God who loves us so deeply. This 
conviction at times can feel as if the Lord is 
cutting into our inner being causing us to 
desire to run from his presence.  

When we finally surrender our hardened 
heart to His will, we realize this strong 
conviction has trenched out a path for us 
to reach the heart of God, a path that can 
only be opened up by us surrendering our 
lives to Jesus Christ. 

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