Tuesday, July 18, 2017


What is true wisdom?  That is the first thing that came to 
my mind after I felt astonished, shocked, overwhelmed 
and filled with sorrow. 

As I was working at the office today we got word
that my nephew by marriage had been in an 
accident.   The family wasn't sure if 
he was going to pull through.  

Can you imagine the horror or finding
your mate laying in a pile of blood
with their entire body mauled by 
an animal?  

He had walked outside looking for 
their small dog and the neighbors dog
came over and nearly killed him.  

The news came, his toes and fingers
are intact and the dog didn't get his 
eyes.  This was the only good news 
that we was hearing as the rest of 
the news was that of devastation.  

The neighbors dog tore over four
feet of his flesh.  Can you even
imagine getting one foot of your
flesh torn to shreds?  Were not 
talking about a few bites, we are 
talking about his entire body being 
torn with gashes from top to bottom.  

Now, let me reflect back a month or 
so ago when my sister was attacked 
by a very large dog.  She was pretty
angry because she had to get 11 stitches
on the arm pit of her arm going down 
toward the elbow. 

She asked the owners to get rid of the dog.
You would have thought they would have
gladly gotten rid of the dog but instead, 
they got rid of their friendship with 
her.  She was told she was over reacting.

The fight continued because when my
sister believes she right she sticks to her
beliefs unless proven wrong.  

I seen a post on the families page 
that said they wanted to give the dog
away to someone.  They said, he's not 
child friendly as they had seen with 
the one child they had and also had
another one fixing to be delivered.  

Also stated that the dog gets jealous 
and is very protective.  

So they knew the dog was not child
friendly and was very protective 
because this was not the first time
this dog had attacked and the dog
had been deemed as dangerous.  Yet 
they were angry when my sister stood 
her ground and insisted they get rid 
of the dog.  She didn't just insist, 
she told them if they didn't get 
rid of the dog, she would sue

Sometimes drastic measures 
must be taken when there is 
danger to a child or even
another person.  It's one thing
to have a dog and endanger your
own life but it's totally different
if you let the dog threaten
someone else's life. 

Their friendship is totally broken and 
every family member who has been
like family to her for probably 30 years 
has all cut off their friendship.  

Now, for my opinion.  True wisdom is 
standing up and fighting with every 
ounce of your being to save the life
of one of those children, even if 
it cost you your friendship and the
pain is so great from losing those 

True wisdom is not thinking 
selfishly and giving in to their anger
and frustration of having to get rid 
of this family pet whom they loved
so dearly.  

True wisdom is taking the hard 
road and probably saving someones
life.  It is not always easy to use
true wisdom but after hearing the
news of my nephew, I say my
sister deserves a round of applause 
for taking a stand and holding it out 
to the very end.  

I would rather them be mad and have
listened to her than to have insisted 
they keep the dog and then one day 
find one of their children or a friend
lying in a heap of blood and then being
so angry with themselves for not 
listening to the voice of truth. 

Hear counsel, and receive instruction, 
that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end.
Proverbs 19:20

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