Monday, July 3, 2017


Yesterday I wrote a blog called, "When
Pain becomes Victory and Death
becomes Life."

How far in advance does God see and
make prevision for your needs? 

For Rebecca Jones the wife of  Mark Jones,
God was watching over her and
preparing the way months before
Marks accident. 

Kristy Long, who was struggling not
knowing where to send her children
to school the next year, finally chose
a school in Richardson Texas.
After visiting many schools and almost
enrolling in one, but missed the final
meeting for enrollment, she finally
made her choice. This school is
the same school that Rebecca
youngest child, Asher attends.
On the first day back to school
in the fall, Asher will have his best
friend Noah Long at his side
everyday and any time that Rebecca
isn't able to take Asher to and from
school; it's right on Kristy's way.
God is Good!  All the Time!
All the Time!  God is Good!

Only five days has passed since 
Mark left this world and in those five
short days that have seemed an
eternity already to Rebecca and 
her dear children, there has been 
$21,520 raised to assist the family
with their needs.  

Mark believed and repeated often,
God is Good! All the Time!
All the Time, God is Good!

If in this life you change the 
world by your presence and
leaving this life brings more
glory to the heavenly father and 
reaches more souls for Christ than 
staying, than when this life is all 
said and done; how great will the 
crown in glory be that you ran the 
race with the highest honor. While 
running it, you passed to baton
to so many others desiring to run 
the race as you did.  Running it
so many souls would be added to 
the kingdom of heaven. 

Walking the new path will not be
easy each day as this family learns 
that God is the provider, sustainer
and comfort.  Mark left many stepping
stones for them to place their feet 
on and to follow in his path; this 
is exactly what I see this family 
doing, as they venture to live their
lives without his guidance.

Many times instead of drawing out of the
grace, love and mercy account, I have
ran to the fear account and have taken a 
full withdrawal.  The times I ran to the 
Lord for my strength and comfort, he 
always proved himself to be faithful. 

I remember many years ago when 
our son had to have emergency surgery
due to a freak accident.  The doctors x-rayed
his arm but didn't catch he had a hairline 
fracture in the bone on his left arm.  He was
at the same time exposed to the strep 
virus and the strep went straight to the 
bone, requiring two major surgeries
  No insurance, no money, just us sitting 
in the hospital wondering what God's 
plan was going to be to provide.  

Sitting beside Josh's bed one morning 
after his second surgery, his doctor 
walked in and started discussing the 
next thirty days and what would have 
to be done.  Twice a day, shots would 
have to be slowly injected into 
the subclavan that ran tubes straight to 
Josh's heart.  Each dose cost $400.00 each. 
Dr Kerr stopped and said, "You
will need to make plans with the school
for Joshua to be taught from home for the
next thirty days."  This was not an issue,
as I told Dr Kerr that we home schooled 
our children. Instantly he stopped and
said, "I love home school parents." 
He rallied doctor's and pharmacist
together to reduce prices and to bring
assistance that brought our hospital and 
prescription bills down 75 percent of what 
they would have been.  

This is how our doctor proved to us his love 
for the Lord and his love for home 
schooled parents.

God is Good!  All the Time!
All the Time! God is Good!

We may suffer in this life, 
we may have pain and sorrow, 
but this one thing I know, 
if we allow God to use it for
his glory, he will do that very
thing and in the midst of this 
wilderness journey, we will see
the roses bloom, and the springs 
filled with the water flowing from 
the throne of God.  We will see it
is far better to trust than to be 
filled with fear and anxiety. 

God is our refuge and strength, a very 
present help in trouble. Therefore will 
not we fear, though the earth be 
removed, and though the mountains 
be carried into the midst of the sea;
Though the waters thereof roar and 
be troubled, though the mountains 
shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.
There is a river, the streams whereof 
shall make glad the city of God, the 
holy place of the tabernacles of the 
most High.  God is in the midst of 
her; she shall not be moved: God 
shall help her, and that right early.
The heathen raged, the kingdoms 
were moved: he uttered his voice, 
the earth melted./  The LORD of 
hosts is with us; the God of Jacob 
is our refuge. Selah.  Come, behold 
the works of the LORD, what 
desolations he hath made in the earth.
He maketh wars to cease unto the end 
of the earth; he breaketh the bow, 
and cutteth the spear in sunder; he 
burneth the chariot in the fire.
Be still, and know that I am God: 
I will be exalted among the heathen, 
I will be exalted in the earth.

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