Friday, January 13, 2017



This chapter includes
"Casting out Fear, 
Defeat and Doubt.".

Fear   ....the fear becomes laced with 
lashing words in order to push the 
person as far away from them as 
possible so they could breathe. 
This fear not only cripples them, 
but it cripples others they come in 
contact with them. 

Defeat   ....... defeated over words said, 
that the person speaking to them 
was uninformed,  Even if they had 
done something wrong, the Lord does 
not intend for them to dig a pit and throw 
themselves into it and keep piling the dirt
on.  He wants to offer forgiveness, bring 
cleansing and invite them to come and 
sit at the table and feast with him. 
He surely doesn't want them in the pit 
over something someone misunderstood 
about them, yet most of the time that is why 
we end up in this pit of defeat.

Doubt    ........cause doubt to tremble, run 
and hide. Have a genuine pursuit of 
faith. In order to do this you must.........

When you find you have separated 
yourself from your fears, defeats and 
doubts, may your faith cry from the 
mountain top, as the song writer said, 
“My Faith has Found a Resting Place.” 

May freedom be found in 
"Looking Beyond Ourselves."

My faith has found a resting place
Not in the device or creed.
I trust the everlasting one
His wounds for me shall plead.
I need no other argument
I need no other plea.
It is enough that Jesus died
And that he died for me.

Enough for me that Jesus saves
This ends my fear and doubt
A sinful soul I come to Him
He'll never cast me out
I need no other argument
I need no other plea.
It is enough that Jesus died
And that he died for me.

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