Sunday, April 8, 2018


Photo by Lisa Long 

Last week I missed a few days blogging due to being at the hospital with my daughter, Lisa Long. 

Each time I receive a phone call that she has been admitted into the hospital my heart sinks as I fully understand the realm of what this could mean.  

Since she is a grown woman I try very hard not to be the smothering mom but it becomes a bit more difficult when she is in great pain and the doctors and nurses can't seem to get things under control. 

All went well and in a few short days she was released from the hospital and working from home. But each time this mothers heart sinks hoping and praying she is able to overcome the obstacles of the medical conditions she is experiencing.  

In 2007 Lisa returned home from college and was an extremely ill lady.  Her life was soon to change forever.  She underwent six major surgeries in one year.  The day came when I heard the surgeon say, "We have one more chance and if things don't go well then we will just have to deal with things the way they are".  We knew what those words meant because her body was already trying to reject her liver also and knew she would only get weaker and things would only get more out of control. 

Not the words a mother wants to hear.

As the surgeon began to schedule her last surgery my heart began to cry out to God to find a way to deliver her from this horrible life she was having to live.  Surely God there is another way.  Surely God somewhere out there in this vast world someone could help her.   

It was in the mountains I had learned to enjoy the abundant life he gave, the joys of my three natural born children and the two we had legal custody of and my husband. Those mountain top times were great and I learned much during those times. 

It was in the valleys that I had learned to walk with God and learned to grow and become deeper in my relationship with him. 

It was in the trenches when my body had taken all, I had given my all, and life was at the point that I couldn't see past the traumas in life that I learned to rest in the arms of my Savior.  It's those times we have to let go and let God take control. We become so burdened and worn down from the struggles in life that we have no idea how to make decisions that the Lord says, 'I am the God of the day, I am the God of the night, I am the God of the good and I am the God of the bad and I am the God of this situation".

I remember praying and asking the Lord to please lead me and guide me as I search for a surgeon for my precious child who was having an extremely difficult time cooping with life and knowing this was her last chance I wanted to know it was a doctor God selected instead of one I selected.   

Dr. Phillip J Huber somehow came up when I was searching and not understanding why I chose this doctor, I packed Lisa up and headed to Dallas and meet with Dr Huber to see what the future lay ahead.   

Dr Huber examined her and looked over her records and then met with me and showed me how he could reconstruct the J Pouch that had previously been constructed by her previous doctor. 

We had to take the chance and I am so thankful that we did.  It took a minor surgery and a major surgery and we were definitely in the hands of a man that God had paved a way for us to see.  We instantly started seeing changes in her and soon she was back on her feet only to go to a dance and tear a acl and meniscus in her leg and had to have another surgery.  But this surgery was so minor and seemed so insignificant after all she had previously faced.   

Her liver began to heal back and soon she was off to college once again living a normal life. 
In all the whole universe the Lord had guided me to the very doctor that could do what we had no idea even existed, so in the trenches of life I learned to fall into His arms and he covered us with his feathers, and under his wings we learn to trust that He is God of the day, the God of the night, the God of the good and he was even the God of the bad.   

He shall cover thee with his feathers, 
and under his wings shalt thou trust: 
his truth shall be thy shield and 

Psalm 91:4

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