Have You Been Accepted?

A little boy stands on the playground. He doesn’t think he’s a very good ball player but he wants to play. Two young fellows are responsible for choosing teammates. It’s a big deal because every boy wants to be chosen – hopefully, not last.
Not long after the choosing up begins, he hears those important words. “I choose Ricky.” Ricky doesn’t know if he deserves this but he knows that he has been accepted.
One of the best Thanksgiving Holidays I ever had was a few years ago. [i] Our family got together at my son’s house. We had the usual wonderful traditional Thanksgiving meal together, but that’s not what made it so great. My son asked everyone there to say something kind about each person present. There were eight or ten of us there that day.
It wasn’t hard to find something nice to say about everyone there and it was all genuine. I did wonder, though, if anyone might have trouble finding something positive to say about me.
I’ll never forget what my daughter-in-law said to me that day. She remembered back when she and my son first began dating. She said, “I am grateful that you accepted me into your family. You have always made me feel welcomed and at home.”
I remember that because it made me feel warm and glad. I was glad she had come to be a part of our family, but also because she knew that I had accepted her.
A precious little girl sits looking out the window as cars roll up to the facility where she lives. She has seen many couples come and go through those doors. Sometimes when they leave, they go out hand in hand with one of the other children. She wonders, “Will anyone ever take me?” “Will I ever go to live with some nice family for more than just weeks or months?” “Is it possible that I would no longer be bypassed and be selected by a nice family I could call my own?”
One day a well dressed couple walks through the door of the children’s home. The girl wonders if some privileged kid will be chosen to go and live with this man and woman. When they look her way she feels blood rush to her face. “Surely they are looking at someone else,” she thinks as she turns to look behind her.
Then the Director of the children’s home turns unexpectedly to her and says; “This couple is looking for a little girl just like you. Would you be willing to be their daughter?”
She has finally been accepted!
A young lady is completing her high school requirements. Now her desire is to go to college. She is applying to four or five schools, but there is one highly reputable University she where wants to study.
The month of June goes by, and then much of July until she receives that important letter. Not able to open it quickly enough, she unfolds the letter and reads, “We are happy to inform you that you have been accepted into our University.” She rejoices that she has been accepted.
A boy joins his friend and his family at Six Flags over Texas. He’s never been there before but he’s heard many exciting things about the place. He has been waiting with anticipation to be able to get a ride on the New Texas Giant. When it comes time to get on, he wonders if he has enough money to pay.
“I may have to sit this one out, he tells his friend.”
“Don’t you want to ride the ride?” the father of his friend says tenderly.
“Sure, but since I’m not your kid, you guys can go ahead. I don’t have any money and I know you’ll want to take your family.”
The man stoops down to look at the boy in the eye. “You came here with my son, and I accept you just as I would him.” “Besides,” he said, “All your rides have already been paid for.”
What do all the stories above have in common? They are all about being accepted. Acceptance is something every human being longs for.
It is also normal for all of us to long for God's acceptance. Some people may think he would never accept them. Some feel they have to earn his acceptance. Others understand they can never earn it.
I want you to know that in Jesus Christ, the beloved of the Father, we have been freely and undeservatively accepted and made acceptable because of his grace. [ii] My prayer is that you have been received “in Christ” through faith. If not, believe in him today; he will receive you with open arms.
By the way, everything has already been paid for.
[i] True story.
[ii] "giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light." (Colossians 1.12)
[iii] emphasis mine.
Not long after the choosing up begins, he hears those important words. “I choose Ricky.” Ricky doesn’t know if he deserves this but he knows that he has been accepted.
One of the best Thanksgiving Holidays I ever had was a few years ago. [i] Our family got together at my son’s house. We had the usual wonderful traditional Thanksgiving meal together, but that’s not what made it so great. My son asked everyone there to say something kind about each person present. There were eight or ten of us there that day.
It wasn’t hard to find something nice to say about everyone there and it was all genuine. I did wonder, though, if anyone might have trouble finding something positive to say about me.
I’ll never forget what my daughter-in-law said to me that day. She remembered back when she and my son first began dating. She said, “I am grateful that you accepted me into your family. You have always made me feel welcomed and at home.”
I remember that because it made me feel warm and glad. I was glad she had come to be a part of our family, but also because she knew that I had accepted her.
A precious little girl sits looking out the window as cars roll up to the facility where she lives. She has seen many couples come and go through those doors. Sometimes when they leave, they go out hand in hand with one of the other children. She wonders, “Will anyone ever take me?” “Will I ever go to live with some nice family for more than just weeks or months?” “Is it possible that I would no longer be bypassed and be selected by a nice family I could call my own?”
One day a well dressed couple walks through the door of the children’s home. The girl wonders if some privileged kid will be chosen to go and live with this man and woman. When they look her way she feels blood rush to her face. “Surely they are looking at someone else,” she thinks as she turns to look behind her.
Then the Director of the children’s home turns unexpectedly to her and says; “This couple is looking for a little girl just like you. Would you be willing to be their daughter?”
She has finally been accepted!
A young lady is completing her high school requirements. Now her desire is to go to college. She is applying to four or five schools, but there is one highly reputable University she where wants to study.
The month of June goes by, and then much of July until she receives that important letter. Not able to open it quickly enough, she unfolds the letter and reads, “We are happy to inform you that you have been accepted into our University.” She rejoices that she has been accepted.
A boy joins his friend and his family at Six Flags over Texas. He’s never been there before but he’s heard many exciting things about the place. He has been waiting with anticipation to be able to get a ride on the New Texas Giant. When it comes time to get on, he wonders if he has enough money to pay.
“I may have to sit this one out, he tells his friend.”
“Don’t you want to ride the ride?” the father of his friend says tenderly.
“Sure, but since I’m not your kid, you guys can go ahead. I don’t have any money and I know you’ll want to take your family.”
The man stoops down to look at the boy in the eye. “You came here with my son, and I accept you just as I would him.” “Besides,” he said, “All your rides have already been paid for.”
What do all the stories above have in common? They are all about being accepted. Acceptance is something every human being longs for.
It is also normal for all of us to long for God's acceptance. Some people may think he would never accept them. Some feel they have to earn his acceptance. Others understand they can never earn it.
I want you to know that in Jesus Christ, the beloved of the Father, we have been freely and undeservatively accepted and made acceptable because of his grace. [ii] My prayer is that you have been received “in Christ” through faith. If not, believe in him today; he will receive you with open arms.
By the way, everything has already been paid for.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. [iii] (Ephesians 1.3-6)
[i] True story.
[ii] "giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light." (Colossians 1.12)
[iii] emphasis mine.
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