Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Are You Being Unmasked?
A Devotion by Steve Long

"Behind the Leaf" Photo by Allef Vinicius

Dennis Montgomery, a former United States intelligence contractor is suing former FBI Director James Comey on the premise that a large number of American Citizens have been “unmasked,” (meaning under surveillance). Montgomery claims Comey and his agency covered up this illegal activity. He said that over twenty million Americans have been unmasked by the FBI according to Sara Carter who appeared on the Sean Hannity Show.[1]

I don’t know if all of this is true, but if it is, it’s even possible it could include you or me.

“Unmasked;” that’s a term I had never heard until about a year ago. It almost makes it sound like the person being spied on is presumed to be guilty. If there is no mask (nothing to hide), one cannot be unmasked. Of course, most everyone has some private information such as personal finances, that they may not want the public to know about. That doesn’t mean, of course, that one is guilty of anything; just that they might not want everyone to know about something.

In the world of the Spiritual; however, everyone is guilty. Most of us have some things presently or in the past that we don’t want everyone to know about. Even as you read these words, something you’ve done may come to your mind.

Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, were suddenly ashamed after sinning. They tried their best to cover themselves (using leaves, which would eventually dry up and blow away). But they were unmasked. God knew what they had done and examined them concerning it. They would have to face the consequences of their sin, but then God made a sufficient covering for them by giving them coats of skin.

Jesus said, “For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops.”[2]

Paul wrote, “… God shall judge the secrets of men...”[3]

One of these days the whole world, each one of us, will be “unmasked.” Like Adam and Eve, we all have sinned against God. We may be able to hide things from each other, but we can hide nothing from God – nothing.

There is one way we can keep from being unmasked. How? We can do so by removing our own masks now in the presence of God. We can come before him at this very moment and confess our sins – ugly as they are. We must place your faith in his Son, Jesus Christ as Savior and ask him to forgive us for all we’ve done wrong. He already knows, so just be open with him. By doing so you will enter into a relationship with the most powerful and holy one but also with the most loving person there is.

{1] circa.com
[2] Luke 12.2-3
[3] Romans 2.16

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