Sunday, July 24, 2016


Photo provided by Rita Montgomery

Many of you that has followed my blog for the last year 
know that many times along the way I post that 
it's time to wait, watch and pray. The reason 
for doing this is I feel very strongly that if 
God wants to move in and through Digging a 
Well Ministries that he is going to direct our
path. It's very easy to get excited and start 
moving in front of what God is doing instead 
of in line with what he is doing. For 
over a week I had done just that:
wait, watch and pray and ask the Lord to 
open doors for me in ways that only
he can do. 

It is very rare that I leave the office to go eat as 
I normally take something with me and just
eat at the office. Friday I became extremely 
unsettled and the more I tried to feel comfort
I couldn't feel it. I picked up my day-timer and
headed out to go to the cafeteria and get a glass of 
tea and see what they had even though I didn't 
plan on eating. I had only been to the 
cafeteria a couple times in five months

As I arrived in the cafeteria a young lady
said hello to me. We exchanged the normal 
greetings and then she said, "would you like
to sit with me"? So I went and got a glass of 
tea and a slice of meat. As we sat and talked
she said something and I told her I would 
pray for her. 

She acted as if I had opened a candy bar and handed
it to her. She told she had been praying that 
God would send her a woman of God to 
walk by her side and to encourage her and 
be her friend. She said several times I have
had this burning in my soul and it is thirty for 
something more and I just can't seem 
to be able to quench the thirst. 

We sat for an hour basking in the pleasures
of the Lord as she realized God had answered her
prayer and I realized he had caused me to feel so 
very uncomfortable in my own little world so that 
I would walk down and walk right into her world.

Delight thyself also in the LORD; 
and he shall give thee the 
desires of thine heart.
Commit thy way unto the LORD; 
trust also in him; and he shall 
bring it to pass.
And he shall bring forth thy 
righteousness as the light, and thy 
judgment as the noonday.
Rest in the LORD,
and wait patiently for him: 
Psalm 37:4-7

If this blog has been a blessing to you please take the time to drop us an e-mail and let us know at

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