Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Photo provided by Jana Long
Taken by Mike Mezuel II

Storms were made to pass.  They were never made
to stay, so if you allow your storm to keep
tormenting you and destroying your life than it
is you who holds it there, not God. 

I have never in history
seen a time that an earthquake shook the foundation
and just kept shaking until eternity past.  I've never seen
a tornado that spun in the same location until
the end of time.  No, storms come and storms go. 
It is up to us to let it pass on by, pick up the debris
and rebuild.

If you choose to hold the tornado
by the tail and allow it to keep sucking the life out
of you then you would be considered foolish.
But isn't that what we tend to do?  Not only do we
get our grip on the tornado and let it keep destroying
our lives but we turn the tail on our family members,
our friends and co-workers so that it 
can suck the life out of them also.
 If we could see with our eyes the tornado spinning
we might would let it go, but you see,
we are blinded by it, all the while we let it keep bringing
destruction, sorrow and deeper pain into
everyone's lives around us. 

There comes a time that we must let the storm pass
on by.  We must look at the debris and focus on how
to restore our lives, not to just restore but to even
make it better than before. 

 Sometimes it is hard for us to see
that the mountains in our lives were actually keeping
us from being who we were created to be. 
There are times that the beauty of the mountain
keeps us from seeing the beauty of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
When the mountain shakes and falls we feel
our lives are hopeless.  The truth is sometimes the
mountain has to fall before we can see Christ.
The Lord doesn't want us to be content and
enjoy the high mountain experiences so much that
we fail to be who we really made to be. 

After your storm you may be able to walk on the
mountain tops and see Christ there, you may be able
to walk in the valley and see him there, and you may be
able to lie down in the green meadows and find
him there.  At this point in your life you will find
it really doesn't matter if you are on the mountains
high, in the valley low or resting in the luscious green
grass because no matter where your body is,
Christ becomes the main thing you see and when
he becomes your focus all the other things
in life become so small.

It's not always easy to get our focus where
it needs to be, but when we do the
peace of God will be with us no matter
the storm.  This is something even
Jesus Christ himself did.  He set his eyes
on His Father and this is what carried him
through the greatest storm in history.

Hebrews 12:2

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;
who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,
despising the shame, and is set down at the
right hand of the throne of God.

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