Thursday, May 9, 2019


Photo provided by Darry Poss

Thursday morning driving to work while it was storming I began to ponder how much more we don't understand what is really happening with the weather when it's dark and driving through the storm.

As I continued to drive the sun began to come up and I could see the clouds and how they were moving and could see there was no worry of anything more than rain.

While it was dark and driving I could only guess and hope there were no sort of rotation in the clouds or hope they would stay under control.

I begin to parallel my life with the storm and little did I know my thoughts on Wednesday would help me know how to better walk through my day on Thursday.

As we live our lives and we walk in the light, living and walking with the Lord, we have the confidence that no matter how great the storms become, He is in control.  The closer we walk to the Lord the more we understand there really is nothing to fear because our lives are in His hands.

Yet for those times I am walking in my own strength and really not keeping my eyes on the Lord and playing in the fields of pleasure, when the storms come, I am not prepared and become filed with fear and reactions that not only can hurt myself but can hurt those around me also

For me walking with the Lord, He starts preparing me for the moment.  That moment when the trial hits it doesn't have the same effect on my life than it would, had I not been listening to the still small voice of the Lord getting my heart, soul and body ready for the battle.

Moving into Thursday I could plainly see why walking in the light and trusting the Lord was in control could give me confidence and assurance that everything was in control and the battle belonged to Him and not myself.

Many times before this ministry explodes, the enemy begins to attack in many ways.  Not being prepared could bring devastation but being prepared lets us ride the wake of the wave and stand on the other side and look at the beauty of making the ride with confidence instead of with fear.

My day began early and by 11:00 am I was exhausted.  At noon I finally went out to my car, laid the seat back and closed my eyes, which I never do.  Exhaustion like never before set in and I also started feeling a wave of defeat and tried to brush it aside.  After 15 minutes of resting I picked up one of my books that I give away daily and read a few pages.  The words restored my heart and I was ready to face the rest of the day knowing that many times we feel defeated by that has nothing to do with the outcome if we lift our heads and keep our eyes on the Lord and allow him to lead.

Soon after, a lady came to find me to inform me she had ran into my car.  We went outside and looked over the damage and her car had more than the two scratches on my vehicle so I told her not to worry about a thing.

Soon after that I received a text from my husband who had an accident in our red Avalanche and the damage was far more extensive.

As soon as I heard his words I told him, "This is no quiescence but we are under spiritual attack and the Lord is fixing to have a break through for the ministry and the enemy is a little ticked off."  The enemy can come against us but what the enemy forgets sometimes is, He has to go through Jesus Christ to get to us.  He may try to fill us with fear but we can only be filled with fear and anger, if we allow it to enter into our hearts and mind.  There may be times of bumps and bruises to the flesh but when we look through the storm and see the hand of God in control we can ride the waves with courage and confidence and come out is victorious instead of bleeding, crying and angry.

When I got home and settled in, I opened my blog to post a photo and we had 214 visits to the blog with France having 184 of those visits.  What a break through and in the light we walk in victory instead of defeat of all the darts he threw against us today.  Not filled with anything except for expectation of what God is fixing to do even in the days to come.


I John 1:4-7
And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full. This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

Visit our blog to hear songs written by Sherry Long 

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