Sunday, February 3, 2019


Photo provided by Donna Rogers

Have you ever gone outside in the summer and 
noticed the dandelions in the yard?

Each year there seems to be one that pops
up somewhere in the yard and suddenly 
you go outside and there are dandelions 
growing everywhere. 

My neighbor passed away a few years ago
and there was very little management of his
yard since then.  Last year his yard 
became covered with dandelions.  Instantly 
we knew in a very short time there would 
be dandelions covering our yard also. 

Why is that? Why do the most beautiful flowers 
such as dailies, roses, and iris take forever to 
spread and yet a dandelion just blows in the wind
and plants pop up everywhere? 

Our lives are so much the same.  

It is so difficult to find people who are 
willing to cultivate their lives, get rid of the 
old weeds of sin, arrogance and selfishness.  
Yet it is so easy to find those who live their 
lives haphazardly.  In doing so, they are spreading 
seeds all along the pathway and when those plants 
spring up they naturally follow after the seed 
they sprang up from. 

The daisy, full of vibrant color and great beauty:
also is full of seeds.  These seeds will reproduce
if the dandelion or other weeds don't choke it out. 
They will populate if they are planted in good 
soil and watered.  They will grow and become
vibrant and also produce seed that produce 
more glorious daisies.  

My prayer is that we start to cultivate the ground and 
plant seeds that will spring forth with character and 

Doing this takes time. 
It takes patience.
It takes prayer and the watering of tears.  

What would you rather be, a daisy or a dandelion.  

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