Monday, October 29, 2018


Photo provided by Katrina Stevens

There are times when I am pondering on the scripture, 
praying for my children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters 
aunts, uncles and cousins that very unusual things 
come across my mind.  Today was one of those days.  

As I was praying the thought came to mind,
"Look at the dust on His feet" 

 I stopped the car and wrote the words down on paper.
After work I picked the paper up from my
console and began to ponder on them again. 

"So bizarre" I thought, "so bizarre," yet I couldn't 
get the words out of my thoughts.    

The great God of the universe loved us so deeply
that he sent his only Son to die on the cross for 
our sins.

If Jesus Christ lived now, in the  21st 
Century, even if he were poor, he might have have 
lived in a house, driven a car and worn 
closed in shoes.

Yet the God of the universe chose to send 
his only begotten Son during the period of 
time when men wore sandals and their 
feet gathered mud and dirt all day. 

He lived at a brutal history. Years 
earlier, they didn't crucify people nor do they
now, but at the very time and place the Lord Jesus 
lived, these men were brutal and crucifixion 
was a normal occurrence.

  The Lord had told his disciples when they 
go into a city and preach the gospel and if the
people refuse to listen,to  "Shake the dust off
your feet." This meant they could wash their hands
clean and walk away as they had completed what 
the Lord had commanded even though the people
refused the call to repentance. 

The Lord however came to us during the era that he 
collected the dust.  As he walked up Golgotha he 
gathered more and more dust on his feet, as the 
sweat and blood dripped from his body onto the
sand he walked on, there was more and more 
dust and mud that gathered onto his feet.  

When they hung him from the cross he didn't
shake the dust off His feet.  He didn't ask 
anyone to wash the dust from His body. He just
left it there because of His deep love for us.  
He wanted us to know He was not washing His
hands and walking away to leave us in our sins.
He was going to hang there and leave the dirt on,
thus he also did with our sins.  He carried them 
all to the cross with Him so we could go free.

Our Savior came to this world to show us that 
he desires to carry all the weight of sin, all the dirt, 
all the mire upon Himself so that we can be set 
free of our ungodliness.   

Each night as you wash your feet be sure to ponder 
on the Savior's great love for us and remember what 
the dust on His feet means, "He was willing to
get His hands and feet dirty just for you."

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