Saturday, May 26, 2018


Photo provided by Debra Martinez

The Lord has a way of bringing down the haughty and arrogant and those that run with them and showing the wounded his mighty power and protection even when the world does not see it.

God will bring justice in His time if we but wait patiently. Don't cast your pearls before the swine because then you come out looking like a fool even when you feel you spoke justly. The Lord has a way of showing them. It's up to them to listen.

Wait patiently for the Lord to reveal the real truth and in God's time you will find great strength and contentment through the power of waiting.

God has a plan and in His time the people who have kept you from telling your story will agree it needs to be told so others can be set free and it will be told with the mighty power of the Living God by your side paving the way and making the walls fall down right before your very eyes.

Nothing wrong with true repentance and people falling on their knees before the Mighty God and making sure their life, their family and their church or organization is pure before the Holy Lord.

The theme of my life for many years is "Wait, Wait, Wait on the Lord as he is working out his plan.

Today I remind myself to WAIT as the Lord works out the fine details.

Wait Patiently, Yes Wait, as he has not forsaken and abandoned us.

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