Saturday, April 22, 2017


Today, following my grandson's soccer game,
driving home, I noticed a field of beautiful 
flowers on the side of the road.  This was no
small sighting of flowers, it was a strip that
took up half a city block.  For those of you
who know me, you know I love beautiful
flowers.  An example of this was made
evident while teaching at a private school
many years ago, as some of the new
students would ask, "Why are we walking
to the playground this way?" There was
one little boy in the class that would chum
in and say, "Don't you know we have
to walk this way to see the pretty 
flowers blooming."  He would go on to 
explain if those flowers died and some
new ones were blooming in a different 
location then the whole class would be 
re-routed to view the freshly blooming
flowers in the other location.  

As the wheels of my truck began to turn 
in the direction of the sighted flowers on
the side of the road, my eyes began to scan
the field of vibrant, purple, pink, white,
and red flowers blowing in the breeze.
Once around the corner, I spotted two
other very large fields of flowers close
by.  My eyes on the first set of flowers
but the wheels of my truck seemed to 
move past the smaller field of flowers,
past the group of flowers my eyes and
heart was set on and onto the third set
of flowers.  I did stop to ponder when I
pulled into the parking spot as to why I
had chosen that specific field of flowers but
none the less, they were beautiful and
I set my heart and mind, to enjoy the
beauty of the display, right before my eyes.
After viewing all the beauty I noticed
a lady about my age that had her
daughter and grand daughter with her. 
I asked her if we could take a photo
of her grand daughter for my blog and she
was elated.  She then decided to submit one 
of the best photos taken today by her 
daughter, so we can post it with a scripture,
with the little girl in it later this month.  

She asked what I wrote about and 
when I told her, tears began to 
roll down her face.  She is preparing
to have surgery this next week and had 
been crying out to the Lord and just 
needed assurance that he would be with
her.  She said, "I never expected that 
assurance to come in the way of standing
out in the middle of a flower patch full of
beautiful blooms, but here it stands
right in front of me.  

As I began to speak with her further, she 
stated one of her daughters does ministry 
in the prisons so this became a double 
blessing to her as I told her we could 
donate books for her daughter to take into 
the prisons and assist her with her ministry
at no cost to her.  

The blog today is titled after the little girl as
her middle name is Bloom and her
grandmother had prayed in faith and the
Lord answered her prayer.  Isn't it a beautiful
thing to see, when we see the Lord upfold
such a beautiful display of his power as,
"The Bloom in the Fields of Faith."

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