Thursday, January 16, 2014


     A few weeks ago I began to feel strongly that the Lord was going to lead me in a different direction.  I shared this with my Sunday School Leader.  I had no idea what the Lord was leading me to do, study or write about.

     The last few days the topic of Passion has been extremely heavy on my heart.  As I prayed, I have asked the Lord to kindly show me what he wants me to see.  I am a person that just cannot always see what the Lord is up to.  Until I can see, it is difficult to know whether to move to the right or to the left.  

     Last night I diligently prayed once again for the Lord to guide me, as I know I surely am suppose to be seeing something more than just the word Passion.

     Today I left the office, which is a rare thing.  I have only left my office maybe fifteen times during the last year, during the lunch hour.  As I drove around, I began to pray that the Lord show us as His people what we are failing to do.  I know many who seem to be Passionate but we are not seeing our children and family members return to the Lord.

     As I prayed, the Lord laid on my heart the topic, "Awaken My Soul". Immediately I stopped the truck and wrote the topic down because my mind began to spin in a hundred directions.  Oh, the Lord is laying a song on my heart and this is an awesome title for it.

     I still may write a song with this title but I feel compelled to share with you what I feel the Lord wants us to see.

     We do have Passion and it is so plain to see when we stand and sing on Sunday.  We raise our hands and we are filled with his love to almost overflowing.

     It may be time we evaluate and see what is momentarily taking place because according to the list below; we are all still sleeping.  We may have a top surface of Passion showing but we have not truly been awakened to the Power of God.    

     When we walk in the light; we will walk in the manner of the wise, redeeming the time.  We will know the will of the Lord and be filled with the Spirit  We will be worshipping in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, and we will give thanks always.  

     Now ask yourself this question.  Do I do these things?

     If I am being honest I must say that I am still asleep because many times I find it is not thanksgiving on my lips and I do not always walk in wisdom.  

     If we are awakened to God, our lives will be so transformed that the world will see Christ in our lives without us having to say a word.

    When there is a full moon out, we know the sun is in direct alignment with the moon because it is receiving the full reflection of the sun. When our lives are lined up with Christ, we will be the Light of the World.  

     Far too many times our lives are on the opposite spectrum from the face of God, thus casting a shadow on our lives.  This shadow has caused the world to become confused as to who we really are.  It is time we wake up and walk in the light.  

Wherefore he saith,
Wake thou that sleepest,
 arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding
 what the will of the Lord is.

And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess;
 but be filled with the Spirit;

Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, 
singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;

Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father 
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.

Ephesians 5: 14-20

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