What is your purpose? What is your cause?
Devotion by Steve Long

Photo by Clint McCoy on unsplash
When David was just a young man, too young to go to war, his Father sent him out to take food to the troops of Israel who were engaging the Philistines in battle. All of David’s brothers were out on the battlefield. While there, he saw the Philistine champion, the gargantuan Goliath – all nine feet of him – arrayed in massive armor.
David heard Goliath blaspheme his God, Jehovah, and belittle the army of Israel. He said to his oldest brother, Eliab, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?"
Eliab rebuked David for even being out there, implying that he should be with the sheep, although it was David’s father who had sent him out.
David’s answer to Eliab was this: “Is there not a cause?”
Many times I have thought of that question. It is one we should ponder when disparaged, discouraged or distracted.
When Disparaged:
David had been castigated by his brother and others who thought they understood David’s motives but did not.
If others scorn you or question your motives just remind yourself that there really is a cause.
When Discouraged:
When you have pursued that which you believed in and you knew was right, people may oppose you. It can become quite disheartening. Don’t let them cause you to falter.
You may have grown weary in your pursuit but the word of God says: “let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”
[ii] Don’t lose heart; God will give you a second wind and allow you to fight the fight and finish the course. Many great people of God have been discouraged; Paul, Elijah, we might could even say Jesus, but the Father gave each one the strength to go on.
When Distracted:
Sometimes we can get diverted from the great cause of God. God’s work may not be fun and flashy. As you continue your walk with him there will be those who will try to drag you down with the trivial dainties of life. We must not allow ourselves to become detoured from the call which God has placed upon us.
If your work in the Lord comes to a standstill, it is not time to resign. It is only an opportunity to reload.
If the winds are not blowing satisfactorily upon your sails, allowing you to go forward, don’t abandon the cause – just reset your sails and pray that the wind of God’s Spirit will blow upon you again. You must be ready to move.
What is the Cause of which all of us should be involved?
Be careful here. The Cause is not a little soapbox on which we stand or a big drum that we must keep beating. It is not some small matter of which we have chosen to preoccupy ourselves. It must be The Cause – not a cause.
We are all gifted in some way. None of us are gifted equally by God. Some are gifted to preach or teach; others to give, serve, show mercy or a number of other things.
Some of us have certain natural talents that others don’t have and then visa versa.
We have all been through certain life circumstances that have led us to the place where are now. The place we occupy is unique. No one else on earth is exactly where you are right now with your gifts, natural talents and life circumstances. This is your distinctive situation for which God has placed you.
Because of this, there will be certain subcauses that will capture your attention. This might include academics, apologetics, athletic ministry, care for the elderly, children’s advocacy, compassion toward the homeless and outcasts, cult education, financial expertise, governmental influence, international missions, marital counseling, men’s ministry, music ministry, occult education and deliverance, prison ministry, the right to life, strengthening the family, teaching children, work with orphans, youth ministry, and etc.
Each of these is a good endeavor. One of them may be where God has chosen to bring you to operate and there is nothing wrong with any of them. This is finding your niche. May you not only find it but also flourish in it.
BUT … none of these is really the great cause in which a Christian is to be committed to.
I remember hearing Dr. James Dobson, who founded Focus on the Family and Family Talk, once say something to this effect: He said that if anyone thought his ministry was about family, they had missed it. He said it was not really about the cause of family but about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We were made for the glory of God. The scriptures say, “Everyone who is called by my name, whom I have created for my glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him."
[iii]You were made for the glory of God. If you don’t accomplish that, you come short of what you were created for.
He is our cause.
Evangelism is our call,
[iv] but Jesus Christ is our cause.
So whether you are out in the neighborhood passing out tracts, distributing food for the hungry, advocating for the poor and powerless or studying your bible, do it for Christ who is our cause.
[i] 1 Samuel 17.26
[ii] 2 Thessalonians 3.13
[iii] Isaiah 43.7 While this verse refers specifically to Israel, I believe it applies equally to his people today.
[iv] And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16.15)